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We almost kissed. We were literally inches away when I backed away and lied. I looked into his eyes and lied. I told him that I don't like him like that. Right. I like him alright, I like him a heck of a lot, however, my friend likes him a lot as well and no one knows that I like him. I could never break her heart, so I lied. Is that a bad thing? Her and him were kinda together, I mean they've kissed and stuff a few times and they were planning on going to homecoming together however, now they don't really talk, and she's really depressed about it. So that's my problem, and I don't know what to do. And I don't even think he really likes me. Maybe he does, I don't know. We were just talking about life really seriously and, I guess it felt right. I need help badly.

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I think you should talk to him about it you know so he gets it and doesn't misinterpret your emotions, and just give it a few weeks I think she'll be a bit over him depending on how much she likes this guy and you guys just hang out and flirt till then. She'll get over it, its not like we're arranged to be with certain people in terms of dating, love is random. lol.

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