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What is my ex thinking? Does he miss me? regret? or hate

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Went to class saw my ex today. He set at my table. He try and talk to me and ask how i was doing, all did was smile and answer. Then one of my friend from class came and talk to me during break and she asked "are u and your boyfriend still together" and he was sitting right there. I didn't look at him but things go really akward.. Then i left class without even saying bye to him. How do u think he feels? DO you guys think i'm to mean?


I mean this is the guy who messed around with another girl 3 days after he broke up with me and now trying to go for 17 year old slllllluts and told me he wants nothing to do with me. I am so confused. What is his intentions? He calls my roomate for god knows why. I'm going crazy@

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He's not your boyfriend, is he?


Frankly, I think you should try and move on, because people like this, strike again.. and so don't let yourself be a victim of the same game, twice. Take his past cruelty as your advantage and don't try to get back with him.


It could just be nothing, and you might just be over-reacting, you can't really tell at this point.

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Not to be mean at all.. but this guy you speak of, is very obviously messing with your head.


Save yourself the embarrassment and heart break, forget him and move on. Be happy that you didn't waste any more of your time with someone that's making you feel awful and obviously humiliating you infront of people you know.

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