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The longer you are married the longer you go without sex?

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Don't hang onto something hoping it will get better without any work put forth by other partner as well. And don't hold on for sake of son - you only show him a unhealthy relationship - something that he will remember when it is his time to have relationships.


I'd agree with this, if there is no hope for improvement, do not live life feeling as if you are in hell.


But, I guess I like to think there may be hope to try something. The overwelming thing I began to realize with many people is that they don't ever try to see what their partners feel and how to address that. I have no excuse for the wife here, except that she is acting as she learned from her mother. That is not a real excuse because she is an adult and is responsible for her own behavior (a pedophile may have bene abused, but that does not excuse the pedophile), but it is tough to break the mold.


And I think that once someone gets treated like she has treated him, there is this downward spiral. She acted as she learned from her mother, then he reacts, and a rift first develops, then widens, then everything spirals downward. And before you know it, you no longer have someone you think of as a spouse, but you look at your wife or husband as a roommate and one you hardly like at that.


If the husband wants to assess blame here, based on his story, it is her fault. But if he wants the ideal, him and her, in love, with the child, her cannto blame her and needs to try to make her want to change. And if he is unwilling to do that, he should just leave now.

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my mother has "harassed" my father for almost 50 years. He has had a stroke and has difficulty talking, and she even uses that as an excuse to belittle him. It is constant. Your wife is probably locked into that personality unfortunately. I believe that you should try to a hold a marriage together for the kids, if it is best for them. Who knows? I have two close friends who are divorced and it turned out best for them and kids, nice 2nd partner for both. MAybe try a girl friend. My best pal, has a shrew woman, sexless gal, so he has 3 girlfriends. They give him what he needs and he puts up with his shrew so he can have a family life. Maybe try that. If you get caught, who cares, she deserves it anyway. MAybe you'll find someone who really want to and knows how to love.


I've been married 20 yrs and have had my problems. But in the end, my wife is a good woman, who knows the importance of a sexual relationship with her husband, and she knows how to forgive and give me my space. I"LL KEEP HER!!!!! And I will be faithful to her!!!!

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