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Arent you nervous


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lol i have to agree there, i think i read a quote on the subject somewhere that said like...


"parents aren't stupid, when their son or daughter all of a sudden takes 45 minute showers after taking no more than 10 minutes all of their lives they know you aren't simply 'washing your hair'"


which had me rolling because when i was in like 5th grade and just discovered the act i made that jump to 45 minutes and every time my mom would come and slam her fists on the doors saying id be late for school id tell her, "im washing my hair gimme a minute!"


can't help that one time my dad was like, "Eric quit jackin it and get out of there you gotta go to school!" I could hear him laugh all the wya down the hall...pretty funny stuff

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Parents know you do it. You've been doing it since you were born really. We generally teach you to not to do it publicly, so yeah we're aware it's happening and probably know when. As a teen I would at bedtime to avoid getting caught. I mean the odds of them checking on me at bedtime was pretty slim.

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I do it whenever, leave me door open lol, and just listen to if parents are coming the stop. But also U can wedge door shut by like putting a door nder the handle (if you have one) and build upthe gap with cloths or a towl. Alternitively put some cloths in the crack so when they try and open it, it doesnt move more than an inch and you can chage ya positon so it look like u were just on computer on just lying down in bed reading or something.

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Try to do it when they are 'secretly' having sex. It is unlikely they will walk in on you then.


... yeah... i would be one of those unlucky kids who's parents aren't secret enough and left the door open...


Im still like scarred


I remember i cried in my bed after i saw that... I didn't know hwy haha!

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