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what do i do??????

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About a year ago, I lost my apartment and went to ask my dad for a place to stay. He said his house was already too full with my stepbrothers and stepsisters so I went to my uncle and asked if i could stay in his apartment for a while. My uncle raped me while I lived with him and still does it to this day because he knows that i don't have anywhere else to go. I told my dad and he doesn't even speak to me now. I don't know what to do... I've threatened to go to the cops but my uncle says that if my dad doesn't care about me now then how will anybody else? Please help.......

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because she knows she has no place else to go, and like many rape victims shes feeling probably pretty bad about herself, chances are her uncle hasn't been nice verbally to her in the time shes lived there.


Can't help that she was told nobody cares about you if even your own father doesn't...


This is a horrible situation...

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because she knows she has no place else to go, and like many rape victims shes feeling probably pretty bad about herself, chances are her uncle hasn't been nice verbally to her in the time shes lived there.


Can't help that she was told nobody cares about you if even your own father doesn't...


This is a horrible situation...


Thank you for your input - but I didn't ask you.


I asked the original poster as I wanted to find out if she felt guilt and that's the reason that she's not going to the police.

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When I was younger, my mom physically abused me to the point where social services got involved. I left her house when I was 18 and it was the hardest thing in my life because I knew that once I left, my mom would never talk to me again. She feels that I have deserted her and we don't speak to this day. My dad was never a part of my life until he contacted me at 18( I am 23 now). I was desperate for a family and a place to call home so I immediately accepted his family as my family. I guess I just wanted to feel loved. My uncle saw my innocence and vulnerability and destroyed me completely. I am ashamed of what has happened to me. It was embarrassing enough to tell my dad and he looks at me as if I were trash. I can't imagine how other people --- strangers --- would look at me....I guess what hurts the most is that no matter who I tell, I will never understand why this happened to me.

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I am ashamed of what has happened to me. It was embarrassing enough to tell my dad and he looks at me as if I were trash. I can't imagine how other people --- strangers --- would look at me....I guess what hurts the most is that no matter who I tell, I will never understand why this happened to me.


You shouldn't feel ashamed! This isn't your fault. It's your uncle's. As far as how strangers would look at you (police in particular), they'll be far more welcoming. Your father has a vested interest in not thinking of his brother as a rapist, so he would prefer to think of you as a liar for thinking so. A stranger is more objective. They're open to the possibility that your uncle - or anyone else for that matter - might be a rapist. And presented with the right evidence, they'll believe it for sure. Hopefully this will happen with your uncle. DN gave some good advice on that one which you should follow.


You're right, you may never understand why this has happened to you. The sad fact is that bad things happen to good people. This is definitly one of those cases. You may not have been able to do anything to prevent the situation, but now that you're in it you can and should end it by going to the police. You wont regret it.

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