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Sex..what should i do????


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Okay i have a great bf and we've been together for a few weeks..and i know he wants to have sex with me but im only 13 and I want to but im scared to get pregnent and if I did ppl would call me bad names and I dont know what to do..I really love my bf but i dont know what to do...someone please PLEASE help me

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As you mention above, you know him for only a few weeks, you may not see all of his personality yet or you can know him better than now. i would suggest ask him to wait a bit, im sure he will wait for you until you are ready to have sex if he really like you. It would be easier to give advise if we know how old is he.

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I am sorta close to your age and I'm not going to discourage you from sex as long as its safe. Because we all know kids are going to have sex these days.

But if your being pressured into it, and you dont really want to, then don't! Also if you dont mind telling us, his age. That would make a big difference in giving you advice. I assume your a virgin so make sure this really is the one you want to lose it with.

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You shouldn't be having sex at 13, and anyone who really cares about you shouldn't even expect you to do that. Is this guy pressuring you? Don't do anything you don't want to do, no matter what he says. And sex at your age is considered rape. It's against the law. Do you both realize that it's against the law?

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If all he is interested in, is sex - then Yes, get rid of him.


But if you can express how you don't want to have sex at this age - and he says it's okay; continue to date him but don't let him pressure you for sex.


There are so many risks involved with sex - and at your age; emotional baggage.


Never let peer pressure give in to your boyfriend.

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Man I dont know whats up with that.... My mind was TOTALLY not thinking of having sex at 13 years old. Any boys that I was "going out with" at the time werent thinking of that either... I didnt have my first kiss till 13 and the thought of french kissing scared me.


I am very proud to say I had sex for the first time when I was 19 years old and I couldnt be more happy with my choice.

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I advise that you don't have sex, because you ARE still only 13 and your bf is not much older Im assuming, and I doubt he is responsible enough at that age to handle it.


Kids having sex at the age of nine is not going to happen unless humans somehow evolve, reason being is because they don't hit puberty until about 12-13.

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im bout ur age... 14 and ide have to say having sex now would be the dumbest most imature, most irisponsible thing that anyone could ever do..... i meen im only ur age but come on give it though i meen my first kiss was at 13 and i thouhgt i was doing pretty good for that but sex?? come on that just plane stupid to do....... just dont do it wait till ur older (ps, i dont know if anyone thinks this, but guys my age nowa days do only think bout sex, but some of us like myself dont... some of us just like to be romantic and want a fun, nice lil relationship!!!!)

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its shocking, but when i was 13 as most of you know it was so taboo it was incredible...if you touched a girls breast you were labled extreme pervert for pretty much the rest of the schoolyear...not fun.


But nowadays i hear that 6th-8th grade girls are doing things called rainbow parties where they each put on different colored lipstick and try to take as much of a boy as possible...kids are changing, its no use to tell them it isn't ok because i have a feeling that those parties turn into something more than head 9 times out of 10...

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Okay i have a great bf and we've been together for a few weeks..and i know he wants to have sex with me but im only 13 and I want to but im scared to get pregnent and if I did ppl would call me bad names and I dont know what to do..I really love my bf but i dont know what to do...someone please PLEASE help me

Mayo, DON'T DO IT! Really! Look at the reasons you gave:


1) You've only been together a few weeks

2) You're only 13

3) You're scared of getting pregnant

4) You're scared of what people will say

5) You don't know what to do


Any ONE of those would be reason enough for anyone to say no, but you've got them all! You're not ready for sex. If you were truly ready, you wouldn't have to ask anyone if you should.


When I was 11, a 12-year-old friend of mine had sex, and she regretted it for as long as I knew her (until she moved away a few years later). It changed her life, her outlook on the rest of her life, her relationship with her parents, which up to then had been fine, and it totally trashed her self-esteem. EVERYTHING about her life changed for the worse. And the worst part was, she knew and admitted all this. She also knew there was NOTHING she could do to change the past. That's why she told me about it; she wanted to warn me off making the same mistake.


Please don't do it. And if your boyfriend keeps asking/pressuring you for sex, dump him. If he cared for you as much as you apparently care for him, he wouldn't even ask you.


Also, if there is an adult in your life that you trust not to completely freak out (parent, aunt, teacher, pastor, etc.) then you may want to share this with them and ask for their help. When the sex issue enters the picture, life gets even hairier, and you may need someone who can rescue you from a date gone bad.


Please keep us posted as to what you decide, and his reaction.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Please don't do it. I'm 19 and a virgin and I have the best boyfriend in the world. Sure, he wants it, but he understands that I don't want to yet. You don't want to let anyone convince you or pressure you to do anything. If he keeps pressuring for it, you should tell him that you don't want it. That you're scared of getting pregnant, your scared of what people will think (and trust me, EVERYONE at school will know about it), and you don't know what to do. That is definitely too confused to make such an important decision. You'll find someone who treasures that precious gift and will wait until YOU are ready to give it to him.

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