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I've lost what was left my hope

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Oh I'd love it long term! They say it's a 12 week project, planning small renovations at their stores (it's for Target Corp.). A lot of temp jobs start out as temp to hire so really it's a way to get in the door. I know most of the people at Best Buy started out as temps at one point. I love the atmosphere and the few people I met were super nice. The interview I have on Wednesday is for a permanent job. So either way I'll be working. I don't normally feel so good following an interview, so I'm really hoping that's a sign I got it.

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DarkBlue has been giving you so great advice so i will just encourage hehe. GO JETTA GO GO JETTA GO. dont forget you CAN do it. think positive and have confidence trust me my sister was thinking the same thing you were when she got her job and i just told to stay possitive and that she can do ANYTHING and of course her being a woman she was worried about her looks but she is a BEAUTIFUL women and im positive you are as well so NO WORRIES! YOU CAN DO IT!!! good luck hun!!



keep us posted please!

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Suits and ties for guys the memo said. So I'm thinking full business suits for woman (which I don't own). I have suit jackets that I usually wear with pants and some jackets with long skirts but true professional wear isn't really in my waredrobe. The below knee skirts look bad on me.



Hi Jetta. I would also suggest talking with your local women's resource center. There are programs that help people in need- mainly single moms, homeless, & low income, to obtain funding for job interview attire, such as suite etc. There might be one in your area. It's worth looking into.


Hang in there!



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Interviewing after being a stay home mom for 3 years really sucks. Then being divorced on top of it, just really adds to the whole ick factor. I don't know what they think but if they knew why I divorced they'd damn well hire me.


I'm done even caring about the job. If it pays and someone offers something I'll have to take it. I swore I would never work at a job I hated again. It's like a slow death working someplace you hate. Well obviously I'm not meant to enjoy life. I'm just so damn tired.

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Interviewing after being a stay home mom for 3 years really sucks. Then being divorced on top of it, just really adds to the whole ick factor. I don't know what they think but if they knew why I divorced they'd damn well hire me.


I'm done even caring about the job. If it pays and someone offers something I'll have to take it. I swore I would never work at a job I hated again. It's like a slow death working someplace you hate. Well obviously I'm not meant to enjoy life. I'm just so damn tired.


Don't tell them you are divorced. I don't think they have a right to ask, do they?

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They figure it out. I hate wearing my real ring so I wear a fake one when I don't forget to. The staffing firms have you fill out the w-2 forms (so single is checked rather than married). I have forgotten to wear a ring a few times, the Target interview for example. I used to forget my ring when I was married (I take it off at night).


It really comes down to I don't know how to interview. People don't like me, and interviewing means you have to make people like you. I'm a good worker, I'm reasonably intelligent, but I don't make a good first impression. So I have a huge problem. I'm a get out there and prove myself person, which is why the temp to hire used to be a good way in (but now they require interviews). So basically I'm screwed.

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DN's link is filled with good tips.


It's just really frustrating. EVERYTHING I've been excited about has fallen through in one way or another and I don't know why. I really thought getting a car that was nicer than what I expected for the money was a sign of good things to come. Then I banged it up.


I get my hopes up for nothing. I really was excited about that job. I'm starting to feel like interviews are a complete waste of time and maybe I should just go get a job at McDonald's. The way my luck is going they'd turn me down too.

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Haha I'm alive is a blessing and a curse. Well it's how I really feel. Healthy yeah that's true, that is a blessing.


I have a lovely place to live/sleep. There's food in the house again. I saw more jobs to apply for and some sound interesting. My daughter is a little joy and healthy. My son is doing well with his dad. I have a great brother and good friends. My car, I still love it. Free chiropractic care with weekly massages, because of the accident and whiplash injury. I have many talents and skills.


I really miss karaoke, but my decessed dad doesn't want me going because I drink and can't afford to be there. Not a joke. I've had drunk people tell me I'm not supposed to be there. He speaks to me through strangers at the bar. Crazy sounding I know but strangers never used to tell me I shouldn't be at the bar. Now all of sudden they know things about me that only people in my world would know. That has to be him.


Damn I missed church chior practice tonight. They don't like me there anyway. The lady sitting next to me switched seats with someone in the middle of practice. The lady on the otherside turned away from me. I know I'm talented, so it's not because I suck (granted I did make mistakes), but that's just mean. Stuff like this happens to me all the time. I mean at church this happens!? I feel like the most unwanted, unwelcome person in the world.

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Is there some vibe that you are giving off that people misinterpret do you think?


When you talk to people do you talk about yourself mostly or also ask questions about them? Do you smile - a sincere, welcoming smile? Do you try to show a concern for them as people?


Sometimes people can appear to be 'all about themselves' without meaning to. Is it possible you do that?

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That's may be it DN, but I really am not comfortable talking to strangers. I'm more of an introvert. I do smile, and I spoke with a couple of people while waiting to pick up the music. They probably initiated the conversation, I never know what to say. When singing I get in a zone and it's not really the time to chat. I shared my music sheets if someone was missing it, stuff like that. But it was like major cold shoulder all around.

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hey...i *kinda* know how you feel..iam probably one of the only highschoolers that bought 2 cars that you know of, i bought a really nice 95 cavalier, i loved it, i was pretty happy, then i totaled it, i accidentally turned into a car and that car hit me so hard it, it made me run into this old ladys car, so now they are trying to gangbang me ..sorry for my language but thats how i feel!!! we owe the insurances like 10,000$ and i still bought a 2000 cavalier my senior year and iam thankful enough my mom is paying for my "accident" so i can go on with my life...i was a wreck during highschool...and i still am now but i try to deal with it the best i can...even though i do hit my ruts

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