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Me and my girlfriend just started going out...tips?

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Okay, so here's the situation. Me and this girl have just started going out. She's kind of quiet, and I'm pretty horrible at coming up with conversation starters anytime, but I'm doing surpisingly well lately.


Anyways, we're going through that period I guess alot of new relationships have where it's kind of awkward. Since we JUST started going out, we haven't really held hands yet. Obviously I'll have to iniate contact, and that's hard in school with binders in our hands, and it's just not very romantic.


Oh, and we're going to a concert together with some other people on Thursday, and I plan to progress our relationship more there, as in, physical contact. Nothing too extreme though. After we start holding hands, it's usually pretty smooth from there, from my experience with past relationships and other people's.


So I kind of have a plan going right now to get through this awkward part, but I'd like any other tips on it as well.

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hahaha dont worry so much you want some good advice.. treat her as your special friend and SMILE>>> just be happy women like it when you smile it shows confidence ALOT!! people physcially respond better to peopel who smile.


I second that, one of my female friends told me I have so much confidence. I told her it seems that way because I smile alot.

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Just be yourself and take things slowly. Don't rush your new g/f if she isn't ready and be respective if she doesn't want to hold your hand at the concert. Since your relationship is relatively new, get to know one another first and she will eventually open up to you. Congrats on your g/f i wish you two the best of luck.

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