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what do i have to offer her?


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Ok, I'm in this class with a girl that I really like. I like everything about her, shes absolutely stunning, she is very mature, she's brilliant. I knew that when I found the next girl I wanted to date, I would know (Ive kind of dated a dozen girls since my ex and i broke up a year ago, but nothing ever really sparked me). Now I have this problem...what can I offer her? I mean, I'm a really smart person, I'd consider myself in the upper echelon of intelligence. However, she's in my class that I'm really bad at (computer science, i hate computers). So whenever I have a question, I ask her something, she seems really annoyed. I mean, when we aren't in class we have good conversation and talk and laugh. I got her phone number today cause she said she had nothing to do all day and I said we should hang out, and she said ok. But then when I called her, she never called me back. I dunno, how can I show this girl that I'm not just another stupid immature college guy trying to get in her pants. How can I show her my intelligence, and my sincere interest in her?

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Yeaaa stop trying to figure what you can offer her and if shes not interested whatever, she knows you like her sooooo just let it be that for now, who knows maybe she might come on too you, sometimes the idea just has to sink in or maybe she really just not interested at all...


Best thing for you is you tried and now you know what she feels now.. 0X

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yea, but I feel like she feels this way because she doesn't really know the real me. I haven't really been able to let that shine through enough.


Sometimes you wont ever get this chance, maybe its for the better I mean who knows in her mind shes probebly like god this guys a creep in another way shes like hmm hes nice but im too busy or maybe shes got the hots for you and runs away at first sign.


Shes not scared of you I can say that much if she gave you her number, but dont take it to heart there not just one girl out there in this world if she doesnt take a liking too ya,

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If she's annoyed with your computer science questions, I'd stop asking her and find someone else to tutor you. It isn't fair or right, but some girls are highly traditional in their thinking of what a "real man" is and are easily really turned off by a guy's "helplessness."


On the other hand she did give you her number which is a very good sign. Don't call her again (because it'll just reinforce the idea that you need her more than she needs you.) Just focus on flirting, letting her know you admire her as beauty as well as her intelligence, and make the time you spend with her fun and lighthearted, and things should start falling into place. When you ask her out, ask her in person. Start small and just ask her to grab a coffee or ice cream with you after class. Once she starts seeing you as a suitor instead of someone who is using her to get free tutoring, the sincerity of your interest in her should become very clear.

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