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Sometimes I think about creating new relationship with people. However, I get nervous or picky. I think to myself, oh…my friend should look this way (so I can say to she/he they look attractive if it comes up), understands that I am a mama's girl (not allows happy with it). Then, I look closer into my situation and say to myself that people my age would not want to become my friend-I do not fit the 22 year old today's image and I gain anxiety (I think when I reach the goal of becoming the picture I want to be, than I would be able to take on the emotional effects with making friends) But it might not happen… Anyone every dealt with this situation? What ways did you dealt with it?

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Dear lemonade

You might consider yourself to be not as perfrect as you might wish. No one else will see you that way. Rememeber, most people are not thinking about you; they are thinking about themselves just as you are. They too feel that perhaps they might be rejected for not being perfect.

In truth none of us are so just go with the flow. If you meet people make the effort to get to know them. Only then will you find out if they are going to be your friend. If this is the case you will reinforcr one another.

Also rememeber the face of the person you love may not be perfect but if you love them it is the most beautiful face in the world and just to see it fills you with happiness.

Concentrate on what a good thoughtful person you are , not on your looks. Looks though nice , get old on the eye. You can get used to anything. The person inside never ages or fades on us. Concentrate on that.

Be happy

Love nenez xxxxxxxxx

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I'm not quite sure I understand the problem here...


You feel that you are to picky with people? Finding faults in them so your choose not to attempt to become friends? Then you say you want to become this ideal person that everyone will like so it will be easier for you to make friends?


Is that what you are saying? It sounds like your problem isn't the fact that your picky. That is merely a wall a defense you are creating. You are not happy with some aspect of your life and choose to exert that through pushing people away (ie being picky)


Perhaps you should look at the reasons why you are doing this and your ability to make friends might naturally improve. What is this ideal person you want to be? Where do you feel you have fallen short? Is your desire to be a "better" person a reasonable goal or fantastical?

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i think ur kinda stuck on the OUTSIDE world, the physical world, and im not gonna say it isnt important, cuz WE ALL KNOW (wether we admit it or not) that your apperance DOES matter. But i dont think you should go to the extremeties of picking your FRIENDS by their apperance. I mean your boy friend or girlfriend, SURE! but your FRIENDS!? ...i dont think thats a very accurate thing to do. i mean look at it this way: your friends are the only ppl in the world that r "suppose" to love you for YOU (besides, in some cases, family) i mean how would u like it if someone told u they picked u as a friend because "u looked pretty" or because they liked your shirt, i mean complimenting ppl is a START to a friendship, but i personally dont believe it is the BASES of a friendship at all.

However, i do understand your point of view. I DO NOT mean to be a show off, or brag or whatever (i m just making a point) but i have been told to be the most attractive of my group of friends, and i sometiems do want them to look good, so that when we go out, eveyrone will stare at us and we'll get all the attention, but then i realize that it doesnt matter what ppl think of my friends or me, what matters is our friendship, and IN FACT, it even prooves that we get along REALLY well, because it doesnt matter what we look like, what matters is what we feel for each other, and how many thinsg we have in common, and THATS y were friends. hope i helped bye!

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