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You may remember me, I was drooling over an Ex for so long, well now i found someone else, we have been seeying each other for like 5 months now. We did argue abit, only cause I was stressed at work and she was also stressed with her life and work.

We never argued about anything with us kinda thing, but we did about sometimes i would shout or be moody. Anyways, when shes round here or im out with her, and were together were fine. when were alone were fine.

She did ask alot of questions cause she was a bit insecure and that annoyed me a bit, sometimes she said maybe were not meant for each other and not compatible. I said that we have arguments here and there and that we both get stressed and take it out on each other.


Well now were no longer together, we had a huge argument on friday, i shouted a bit and said I cant take this anymore its too stressful.


Anyways i regreted that, and then saw her in the bar later on in the evening, i said im sorry and i want to work it out etc.


SHe didnt say much, she was smiling and stuff, while i was busy being moody all nite, i went out with my friends.


Ive been kind of chasing, saying sorry and stuff, that we can work, she said she wants to be on her own at the moment.


I mean what am i suppose to do? she calls me alot, she texts me alot, i cant really do NC, I dunno what im supose to do.


I guess i might have been putting presure on her this weekend, as you normally do after breakups etc.

Shes looking for jobs and stuff, and she said she just dont need the arguing.

What can i do to get her back? If i even can?

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My advice from what I've just been through with my ex for past 8 months.....stop chasing. In the end it makes you look pathetic and desperate.


Let her come to you. Sit down and try discuss things and relsove them. If not then move on.


Not being rude, just giving my opinion.


Easier said than done but correct way. Love is not about chasing or being chased. Its about finding even ground where you both are equal and respect one another.

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Hey detox,


I think it's best if you let the contact come from her, unless it confuses you too much. Do you want to be broken up, or do you want her back? Maybe it's best if you talk to her about it and suggest to have no contact to see how feelings develop. I think distance can really give a lot of insight in the relationship.


I don't understand, did she break up with you or you with her?



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I kinda really shouted at her friday, said i didnt want it anymore, and she said well maybe we should just be friends, she was crying down the phone. I said well ok then fine, then i said i gotta go, then we talk about 5 mins later, and it sounded as if she was talking that we was still together, i soo wish i hadnt shouted at her and stuff.


Ive been texting email and been in contact with her all weekend, she just says she doesnt want it anymore, the only real reason is cause of the argument and her being stressed out and she cant deal with that right now.


Well thats cause im stressed out at work and so is she, I dont think there was anything else wrong with the relationship apart from that, im trying my hardest to give all the info here.


Maybe she just needs time to think, take in mind, that she was always rining me, texting me, etc, came to see me cause she drove and i didnt.


So i know she likes me, she said her feelings still hasnt changed.


Dunno what else to do!?

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Today i think we made progress, i texted her before she went to work, saying the only reason we are having problems, is cause of the stress of work, and it results in arguments, she hates the arguments as do I.


I said thats the only thing that was wrong with us, she didnt text back, maybe she was thinking bout it, she called me when she finished work, because i have 2 items of clothing she had misplaced and i found em.


I said she could come after work, to get them, she didnt have to stay or anything, she said maybe she could pick them up tomorrow, or wednesday when shes off, it was in a nice tone, I was happy with it, i think she sounded different, not sure, maybe liking how nice our conversaition was? and noticing it? not sure. I texted her a smile after the convo and she replied with one.


am i going the right way?

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