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Was offered a job, but

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It's a 100% commission job. They provide free training and well training was truly lacking with the place I choose as a real estate agent. I had no idea loan officers were commission based. Anyway I accepted because it's the only offer I've had in a long time, and who knows maybe it'll work out in some way or lead me to something better (at least I'd be doing something). But I'll admit I'm nervous. I'll be working off hours (great for my internal clock, but not for daycare). I'll also be paying for childcare and have to rely on my ex to pick her up (yes we still share a household but he's unreliable). Already trying to come up with excuses. I really think he just doesn't want me working (then I'd be stuck here longer).


At any rate. Things are looking up. I have a job offer, a car, childcare figured out, and a new checking/savings account opened. Now I need to bring in a check and find a place to move to. Then I would really be on the road to a better life. At least things seem to be looking up. I'm almost there.

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