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in my relationship my ex gf had this friend, named dennis that would always say crap about me and tell her i was a bad boy friend and stuff like that, even one of my other friends,named "M" told me that when my old gf went to the mall with dennis an M, my ex gf said that she really loved me and dennis flat out say, No you dont your lieing! and he would always put me down and our relationship down. my ex still hangs out with him and stuff and with him around i dont know what to do to get her back, just about everyone hates dennis that i know, and thinks hes a total jerk, hes screwed over a lot of my other friends relationships, i just wanna know how to get him away from her, hes not a good friend at all, hes the most unsupportive lying jerk ever. i just dont know what to do. all i know is i need i my gf back, i was thinking of buying her a nice ring and some flowers any ideas?

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Black, why did you break up with your girlfriend in the first place? You should address that issue before you start thinking about rings and flowers. What were the reasons? Next, why would you want to be with someone who surrounds herself with negative people?


It's obvious that the other guy likes the girl or at least don't want her to date anyone. You need to sit her down and explain your situation if that's possible. However I think she has made it clear that she wants this other guy in her life. So if you can't deal with that, then walk away now. You can't make people cut people out of their lives. You have to decide if this is a deal breaker. If it is, it's her loss.

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her reasons for breaking up with me are this, she thinks we were to serious with each other, things were getting too tense, too complacated, it got too hard to see each other and she thinks we started drifting, and then her mom didnt like me and and she thought she was too busy.


but we stopped fighting about 2 months ago and shes not really busy anymore, were both 16 if it has to do with anything. hmm i dont know anymore what to think, ive heard every different opinion possible, the most popular one is that i should wait it out and she'll eventually figure out she loves me, i dont know thought, its just hard...

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