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So, she says she has friends.........................

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Alright first of all, My name is Gregg and this is my first time on here. I really want some advice cause i am in a slum. Me and my girlfriend been together for 4 years on and off (more off then on). We love each other alot, and can't stay away from each other. But it seems like she always finds new "friends" everytime we are in between. And i could see if they were just call and talk on the phone every few days or so but this dude seems to call morning afternoon and night, everyday! he has already tried to fight me and she still wants to be friends with him. I need some advice, can some one help me out?

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Alright first of all, My name is Gregg and this is my first time on here. I really want some advice cause i am in a slum. Me and my girlfriend been together for 4 years on and off (more off then on). We love each other alot, and can't stay away from each other. But it seems like she always finds new "friends" everytime we are in between. And i could see if they were just call and talk on the phone every few days or so but this dude seems to call morning afternoon and night, everyday! he has already tried to fight me and she still wants to be friends with him. I need some advice, can some one help me out?


hhmm...well if you guys have been more "off then on"...then there must have been alot of problems.

And these are not good signs that shes talking to this guy all the time. Thats not needed. I cant even begin to tell you what i'v been thru with gf's and their guy friends. It never...and never will sit well with me.

In my opinion...the only guy that should matter in your gf's life is YOU!! Not some other guy thats.."just friends".

My last gf that i was with for almost 2 years...had this guy friend. And i told her to stop seeing him and to stop seeing him from the very beginning...as soon as i found out about him. But we argued a lil about it and i told her why i wanted him out of her life..and then she finally agreed that she would stop talking and stop seeing him. Come to find out from this girl at my job that she wasnt hanging out with him still...but she was still talking to him. I flipped the fcuk out. And i should have left her then and there. But it was too late beacuse we had such strong feelings for eachother already that we couldnt bring outselves to leave eachother.

But that lil lie that she told snowballed into me not trusting her fully and her lieing to me even more. If she was honest with me in the beginning and sed.."Listen hes a good friend and im not gonna stop talking to him for you..."

I would have left...and saved both of us alot of heartache. But in a way im glad that it happened..cuz then i never would have gotten the chance to know how true love really feels. Her being the only girl i'v seriously loved.

My point is....if ur gonna let them have guy friends, you gotta constantly be on top of them. But if the guys are outta the picture,.,,you dont gotta worry about sh*t....well mayby ya do...you still gotta be on top of them to make sure they're not sneaking behind your back. Depends on what your willing to deal with. I know i cant deal with it. You should matter,,,not some other guy.

good luck


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My ex and I are trying to work things out, and lately she has been talking to a guy friend from high school. They have been talking a lot lately, and this dude keeps calling her everyday too. When we are at dinner, he would call. Its like what the hell! Since her and I arent together, it bothers me, but like one of the members stated, you should never have to compete with another guy to win the affection of a female.


Your just gonna have to deal with the facts that she will talk to him no matter what, and if you try to get in her way, your gonna make a fool of yourself.

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I have to disagree with acuraman...

I think if you stay and continue to let her see guys that she gives way too much of her time to.....then your a fool.


Sometimes you gotta go with your mind and not your heart.

If you dont feel comfortable with all these guys around...and if she duzzent want to get rid of them. Say "see ya lata...you can have your guy friends"


And if she cant respect the way you feel about that...then she really duzzent love you...she may care for you...but she duzzent love you. Because shes not taking your feelings into consideration.

But breaking up is the last resort. Try to negotiate. And if you can't?




good luck


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