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How do i go about it? He has been my best friend since the 8th grade. We started going out the month of graduation. Got engaged. He broke it off in august. He still wants to be my best friend and he has prooved that but I can't take it. I want him so badly in my life but I want him to miss me so that he will want to be with me again. He said the reason for the break up is that he is too young which is true and that his feelings for me went away becasue he doens't want to be in a relationship. I told him we should start a no contact for a while to see if he could miss me. He told me last week he felt some thing for me he hadn't felt in a while but text messaged me today and told me he didn't feel it anymore but wasn't gonna give up. He just wants time for himself. Today after I got out of class he called me and invited me to go eat lunch with him. After we ate he invited me over to watch a movie and then we went for a motorcycle ride. He is prooving he wants to be in my life just not the way i want him to be...What do i DO??????????? I WANT and NEED him back in my life and my fiance.

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Does anyone else have any suggestions? I told him how I felt and that I would wait for him and I understand about him wanting his space and that I have to give him that. Sometimes I wonder if he is playing games with me but I understand he is just as confused as I am. He wants the best of both worlds. 1 being able to do what ever he wants and 2 keeping me by his side at the same time. Like I said i'm torn between wanting him in my life as a friend and as a boyfriend and I dont' know which choice to take. We will always be friends so I think I should try to make him miss me by not being in his life and there for him what do you guys think?

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Like I said i'm torn between wanting him in my life as a friend and as a boyfriend and I dont' know which choice to take.


There's a choice?


He is scared. He is not grown yet, and cleary does not know what he wants. You can either sit around and wait, and get hurt here and there in the meantime...or stop any sort of contact with him to get yourself back together BUT NOT TO GET HIM BACK...There's NOTHING you can DO to get him back, trust me. He's going to have to come to that conclusion by himself if he wants to be with you or not. That way, it's for SURE true.


I say you should get some time for yourself to become YOU again, the person you were when you didn't NEED anyone in your life except yourself. That's the only person you can count on...Nothings gauranteed in life, except what you work for. So let him figure it out on his own....without you having to do anything. He should already know he care and love him...now let him decide what to do.

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