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Is there anyway to tell?

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I'd say an interest in women AND men is a good sign.


Seriously, the phone number may be a good sign. Generally when interested in someone you do that. Be careful, however, because you aren't sure what the reason behind it was. Play things by ear, and listen for clues. Do you think tehre's a possibility this person is, or are just hoping?

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well i already had guessed that showing interest in men and women would be a good sign. lol but she doesn't show it. we're not good enough friends for me to ask her either. plus we don't have mutual friends to ask. we're in an environment with a lot of other people and she seems to have taken a liking to me. talks to me more, laughs at all my stupid jokes, etc.. and i'm not sure why i now have her number. it was just given to me. haha

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"well i already had guessed that showing interest in men and women would be a good sign. lol but she doesn't show it. we're not good enough friends for me to ask her either. plus we don't have mutual friends to ask. we're in an environment with a lot of other people and she seems to have taken a liking to me. talks to me more, laughs at all my stupid jokes, etc.. and i'm not sure why i now have her number. it was just given to me. haha"

THIS IS SO INTERESTING. Because I am in a very similar situation, if not exactly the same. But I would be the other girl. I just recently started talking to her more and laughing etc but am shy because I've never been with a girl so it took me some time. I gave her my number but under weird circumstances because I was so shy. And yes, we are also always surrounded by other people..... If you have her number, call her!!!! I urge you to!!!! This girl hasn't called me and I'm really sad about it. But I'm too shy to ask her again. I'm not sure whether she got the point... I think she was interested but now I don't know. Really, call her!!!! Don't have to be obvious that you're interested but go for a coffee, or to an exhibition or smthg. I wish that girl felt the way that you do..... Good luck

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I just wanted to add how confusing I think this whole thing is. At first I thought she was flirting with, that's why I got interested I suppose, and even 2 of my friends mentioned that they thought she was. However, I don't know if I screwed things up when I gave her my number since I was so nervous. I don't know why she hasn't called, I'm not sure she comprehends the situation, then again, maybe she does..... SO confusing!! I've seen her since and she was very nice but didn't mention a thing...

And yes, I wish it would be easier to tell. It's very difficult with girls, are they just being super friendly or is there more? I guess there is only two ways to find out, either she hits on you A LOT or you ask. Now the first one hasn't happened to me, and I'm just too scared about the second option. Suit yourself, some might say, I guess so.... But when it comes around to her my knees go weak, my tongue ties up and everything I do or say seems dumb. I really want to tell her how I feel but I suppose I'm just to afraid to be rejected or even become mocked...

If this girl gave you her number herself, call her!!!! Because she might be in a very similar situation! Take care

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  • 1 month later...

Hi! I know it's been a while since the last post to this message but, how are things going? Did you ever figure anything out? Do you work with her? 'Cause if you do, maybe you guys can go out to lunch sometime and you can talk and get to know her that way. Maybe you can use some kind of excuse abjout work to call her. I hope things worked out for you. Good luck.

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hey there,

hmm yeah it is pretty hard to tell if somebody is bi. a good sign though is if they make jokes about sleeping or dating w/ their female friends (if she is a girl) and vice versa. i.e. "Ugh, things with John are awful...I should just dump him and tell him I'm in love w/ Sarah!!" *everybody laughs* that kind of thing. I heard somewhere that when people joke, they are at least 50% serious. that's the first thing I would take into account as a 'sign'.

hope that helps a little, good luck!!

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