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I feel like cutting again

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Hey there sapphos,


Try to focus on something different. My good friend who stopped cutting like 1.5 years ago, always went for a long run. It creates endorphines in your body, which in turn lifts up the level of serotonin (the 'happy' stuff in your brain). It helped her a lot.


Another way is to go see a friend, is there anyone who knows you cut and you can ask to help you to stay away from cutting today?


I know my answers are quite cliche, I hope it helps anyway.


Take care,



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Sorry it's bright day here, didn't think of that


So music doesn't help, is it possible to have a friend stay over for the night? I have no clue what time it is for you now.


Cutting will make you feel better for only a while, and you are well aware of that I think. It's a temporary feeling, and I think you will feel worse afterwards. You have been doing so great lately, hold on!!!


You will see your gf in just a while. Why are you confused? Only about the to cut or not to cut situation, or did anything happen today that made you upset or worried?



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I have no friends that live nearby, plus it's 11:08pm.


I will feel worse afterwards, but I think the temporary is better than nothing at all. That's what I'm confused about. I don't know if I'd rather have the temporary help and face the consequences, or not cut and feel bad for a lot longer.


Also I spoke to my gf today. She wanted to know why I won't tell my mum. Then she asked me if I had cut and was bleeding to death, would I then tell my mum and I said no. I seriously wouldn't. I feel bad for saying it now, because she might interpret that as me not even telling her.


I'm so afraid I'm going to lose her. I don't want to lose her.

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Sappho sweetheart I know you're really down at present.


Try and focus on your holidays. You've only got 11 days to go to meet up with Tori.


When you feel down visualise what you want to do with her at the farm and then on holiday at The Gold Coast. I'm sure this will release loads of endorphins into your blood. These give you the buzz to feel good about yourself and help you to heal.


Love always.



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