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differances between guys and girls

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so idk if this is a weird question or what but here goes-


my boyfriend and i love to make out but theres a problem. he seems to get a lot more aroused than i do when we make out. like ive said in previous posts, were both very religious so were not going to go beyond making out, but is there something wrong with me in which i cant get aroused when i make out? or is it something wrong with him? its strange, because all the stuff he does to me, it makes me feel really really good, but i just dont get turned on at all by any of it. pleace leave some feedback

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If what he is doing feels good to you, then thats a good step, men obviously show how excited they are just by the sheer mechanics involved.


There is no normal or abnormal arousal, when you practice relaxing, and going with the pleasurable feelings you will become more and more aroused.


men can become aroused withing seconds, teenager boys usually can get aroused if the wind blows in the right direction.


with girls it takes more time, and a lot more is involved, not just touching, and kissing, but also a sense of security, love and trust.


anyway, there is nothing wrong with feeling good, so don't feel guilty about that, but if your an adult and decide to go further, make sure he wears a condom at all times.

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