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Thinking of breaking nc- can't be strong anymore.. help!

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After 8 weeks of nc, he has now begun to message me (twice).... I find myself really thinking about messaging him back and breaking nc after 8 weeks, I am nearly into my 9th week.... I am really suffering, I am not sleeping and when I get his message I lie awake all night wondering whether to respond or not... I feel like I want to break nc, but I don't want to give too much away of how I am feeling to him.... I am unsure of what he wants.... what can I say without giving my feelings away after having controlled myself for nearly 9 weeks.... should I say, "What do you want from me"?, I don't know.... I am really suffering now, and need advice asap.... please, please help... should I break nc, if I do, will I regret it? The need is very overwhelming, I feel like messaging more than keeping nc...

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I think I am scared, i put so much love into 2 years of our relationship and living with him.... I'm afraid to give too much of myself away... one thing I know, that nc is not really benefitting me at the moment, I just have to think of the right thing to say... You are precious for responding to me...

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THATS GOOD!! That is the perfect response! I'll have to remember that.


Not to be argumentative but suppose he answers "just keeping in touch". You still won't know what he really wants and will have to contact him again if you want to find out.


Be direct. You know what you want - so if he can't or won't give it to you then you will know by his response and can decide how to proceed after that.

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