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I don't know if this Forum has a section on Dreams and stuff, but anyway I will just post it here for now.


Despite what I've been going through, I've been dreaming alot lately.

I don't know if anyone here knows how to interpret dreams but I have been told that dreams reflect something in our lives.


I had a really strange dream last night.


here it is:


I was dreaming that I was living in a different place and I think I was working overseas or something but I was living with a flat mate. A male. Don't recognise who he was but I Seem to know him alot in my dream.


Anyway I was sleeping in the dream, I felt like it was already 2pm so I got up quickly and looked at the clock and it was only 10:30 am.


I got up anyway feeling like I've over slept.


I went to so called work and apparently I was working with my flat mate, anyway work in the dream looked like where my fiance and i used to work over in china. The boss wanted to see me and my flat mate, and he was making all these jokes infront of our boss and he was so hilarious. After that we went home as usual and started having sex. (This guy in the dream was just a flatmate)


Then I realised I had pets to feed.


There were 2 cages.


1 small cage was filled with little mice or hamsters, it was really adorable and cute. I noticed I hadn't fed them for a long time, so I got as much food as I could from the fridge and came running to the small cage with food hoping non of the mice had died of hunger.


It turned out all of them were still alive and happy and there they were eating alot and I noticed there was 1 brown mouse limping as it walked, it looked disabled at birth, so I carried it and fed food to it and it gladly ate. They all ate the food and I watched there admiring them and feeling good about myself.


Then I remembered I still had 1 more cage to feed. I believed the cage was filled with Guinea pigs and Rabbits, so it was a bigger cage.


I went to get some more food to feed these ones, but as I got closer i noticed that the cage was HUGE, I mean like the size of a bus!


I heard aggressive noises and I realised, 'these aren't rabbits or guinea pigs?, they looked like those mean meat eating Raptors from Jurassic Park.'


So I panicked and backed away from the big cage and forgot about feeding them. Then one of the monsters threw something at me out from the cage.


At first it looked to me like part of a human hand being chewed off, but then when I walked and picked it up it was a Plane ticket that had been bitten in half.



So there is the dream story. It was an extremely strange dream.

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Yea dreams can be funny... or scary, as in nightmares. Dreams are your subconscious working and thinking. Its your inner life where your thought during the day get "filtered" through unprocessed. It's just a way to release these thoughts and process it together in a way where you can sub-consciously understand. Also I heard the only times you actually dream is through your REM (rapid eye movement stage) sleep. I believe that the normal stages of REM in a good nights sleep is 3. I'm not sure if that is all true but thats what I have been told.

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I'm not 100% about these things but for some reason in the last 3 years I seem to be able to interpret an old lady's dreams which are sent from the Spirit World to help her. Don't ask me how or why because I haven't got a clue!


Previously you told us a story about your parents. These are represented by the Raptors! Then you said something about your Cousins. These are represented by the Mice or Hamsters. At first you said it looked like part of a human hand being bitten off. This represents you biting the hand that feeds you. In other words you are throwing your parents' help back in their faces! The plane ticket bitten in half and thrown at you. Represents half a plane ticket. This means you cannot return. Your parents want nothing more to do with you if you go to live with your cousins!


Your life with your cousins is going to be a great improvement to the one you are having with your parents at present. However, are you willing to sacrifice your parents for freedom? That choice is yours to make.


Good luck and take care.

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Mice in a dream are always some sort of trouble underfoot. Many mice usually troubles through a business associate... or some type of work. which makes sense you were dreaming about work... going to work with a different person... in a different aread.


Rabbits are usually a sign of friendship and good ventures. The rabbits turning into Raptors... ahhh your friends or family turning on you... the half eaten plane ticket.. they do not want you to make some type of big change... moving away...starting a job... what have you. They are trying to prevent you leaving. The fact that they are in cages is good... you've got them or the situation under control for now.


Tig.. Good synopsis... maybe so... maybe so.

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Hi evryone thanks for replying.


Tigris thanks for interpreting the dream for me, you also asked are you willing to sacrifice your parents for freedom? That choice is yours to make.


Well I think about it this way, "Should I sacrifise anymore of my happiness for my parents' happiness?"

The answer is, No. And my decision has already been made.


I appreciate everything they've done for me, but it's my life and I only get 1 shot at it. So I wanna make the most of the freedom and happiness that I can get.


You know it's weird I have been dreaming of reptiles alot lately.

Before I got back together with my fiance and thought about living in Sydney, I had a similar dream to this.


It went something like this:


I was in a ship, like an old style ship. I was with some friends I knew in the dream but don't recognise in reality.


Then some of my friends came running, panicked and scared and told us that a pack of wolf like creatures or monsters were chasing us. So we all started running.


At some point in the dream I got separated from the group and I ended up on the bottom of the ship. I jumped into a pool of very dark blackish water. IT was so cold and I started to hide there because I thought dogs lose their scent that way.


As I was dwelling in the dark water, I noticed old friends who I knew in reality also in the water. I began talking to them and they started to panick about the creatures chasing us too, except they werent wolves anymore, they were gigantic crocodiles.


I started hearing people screaming above me and running.

I decided to get up out of the water and run up the stairs towards the deck of the ship. Lots of ppl followed behind, Then I saw a crocodile looking all aggressive and hungry behind us, So we ran faster up the stairs.


then just as we almost reached the top, 2 crocodiles awaited us near the door way, I looked on all angles and these crocodiles were everywhere surrounding us.


I remember gripping my hand tightly on someone's arm (the arm of my fiance) as I was overwhelmed with fear and then I woke up.

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Rofl. Well if you thought about animals, or whatever, having sex, etc. that day it usually ends up in your dreams lol. Dreams I believe tend to rely on emotions for it's "power" aka weirdness and stuff. Like work is stressing you or something and you need to relax hence that "flat mate" making jokes to your boss or something. And yeah I think you get the point.

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I remember reading that you were having problems with your parents and a decision that needed to be made. You also said that you would be travelling somewhere. The small pets and nice ones I would say may be you and how you may feeling trapped and the raptors may be your parents trying to stop you from going by eating the ticket. Even though you may have made the decision of what you want to do doesn't mean that your mind is ready for it because you could be scared.


This per a book I have if this helps you.


Being at work sometimes mean that you have to work on your soul or phyche and they also say that people in your dream that you notice the most usually represents a trait in yourself that you would like to be or are like this.


The boss is said that it controls the part of your phyche usually that the part that except responsibility or makes decisions.


Also when it comes to animals it is said that animals represent how you feel about something like how you look at the animals and how you felt when you do. Like an emotion that you may be repressing like the raptors could be anger toward your parents and the nice animals could be the happiness that you want.


And the sex doesn't always mean sex during the dream it could be how you felt during this time or if you are perceiving yourself as the flatmate it could be you wanting a relationship with yourself. If that makes sense.


I hope this helps you in anyway.


Oh and almost forgot clock according to this says it is a straightforward way of saying stop wasting time and take a positive step towards something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've thought a lot about your second dream. This ones a lot harder than the first.


The Ship - You're using this to escape from something. (Why did you and your fiance leave the place you lived previously? It sounds like you were running away from something.)


Your friends - You know that there's safety in numbers so you stay with them. (First of all you feel safe with your new friends.)


The water - You're very scared and think by hiding in it you're a lot safer even though you may drown. Then you see your old friends. (For some reason you decided at this point that your new friends couldn't help you anymore and turned to your old friends for security.)


The 2 Crocodiles - I still think these are your parents.



You need to resolve the problem that is pushing you from one demon to another!


I hope you sort your problem soon.


Good luck and take care.

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I was reading this section and would like to share these two dreams that have been bothering me for a while now and hopefully someone can tell me what they think of it .....the first dream i had i was walking down the street with my cousin and out of no where my teeth just started falling out of my mouth one by one at first and then by the multiples and all i could do was catch them at first i tried to concel it from my cousin who was walking aside me then it got to the point where i could no longer hide it. i was so scared i woke up crying. my cousin told me that it meant that i was losing my grip on life and i needed to get things together and that things were about to start falling apart for me ...and it made since because at that time i was having problems with my boyfriend and not too long after that we broke up........the second dream was in refrence to a situation i had with my now ex....he kept cheating on me with this particular girl and we would always work it out but at the time of this dream me and him was well together anyway he knocks on my home door with the girl and another female and the 3 of them just stand there staring at meand not saying a word ...then after about 5 minutes he startes to hold her hand and kiss her and tell her thathe loves her and evrything right in front of me ..and if im correct i remember her sayign something to the nature of i just wanted to see u ...he was holding her hand in fornt of me and everything and ever sincethen me and him just started to fall apart over ths same girl not only did he see her again but he actually told me about and left me with the option of staying or leaveing...although im currently dealing with it on a emotional level...i left but what do you guys think of these dreams.......wait and another thing my ex told me thathe had a dream that some one was chasing him around his house shooting at him with a gun and he kept running and right before he couldnt run anymore and the person stood before him ready to shoot i came out of no where and saved him and thats not the first dream he had like that he also had a dream about him drownin and i again came from no where and saved him...what do u think this means i always thought it meant im always there for him

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Just a commentary on your dream 2CUTE2BESTRESSED....

Start keeping a dream journal. Your dreams are very vivid and seem to give you a pre-view of what is to come. If u write down your dreams...and u keep a regular daily journal, you may see a pattern emerge.


1st dream.. Losing teeth. Losing teeth usually means losing loved ones. In your case you were with your cousin and afraid they'd see. No pain... so I'd say it was a FEAR of losing loved ones.. AND.. I found it interesting that you broke up with your boyfriend shortly there after. Not too much pain in his loss eh?


When you dream of losing teeth and its painful. Then its going to be a painful loss.


#2 Dream of X w/ Girl. Sounds like your dream was confirmed. He did walk off with her in the end. It was a preview. You weren't too upset about this loss... you seem to be doing very well with it. I think you realize deep down inside he's not the guy for you.


#3 Taking Care of boyfriend. "SAVIOR" Well.. he's looking for a mother figure. Someon to keep him out of mischief, trouble, and on the straight and narrow. He cheated under your nose... and did give you and ultimatium... "YOURCHOICE" to stay or go. hmmm. A test... he's looking for someone to crack the whip, tell him what to do, run his life for him.. and just generally make life.. "EASY" for him.


------------> You did the right thing. He needs to stand up on his own two feet to learn independence.... and to be a man. Its much kinder to let em go and watch them flounder and learn.... than to maim them and do for them.

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yeah them dreams were very uneasy for me but as far as the teeth dream i didnt feel pain in the dream no but in my life ..i went through a total hell i cried and cried and it hurt so bad so so bad i lost tons on weight and at the end of it all he came back only to do it again .now im officially starting my life over without him...he seems to want me to take care of him btu he still wants his freedom at the same time so im going to let him be as hard as it is and as far as the dream journal it sounds like a great idea..I love It!! i'll start today

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I get my dream anecdotes from my grandmother. And when I say... Pain from losing a loved one. I mean the type of pain from "losing them, losing them" as in...they leave us in the greater sense. ie.. die etc.


So the pain you went through was a learning. Its was great. But can not compare to what it would be otherwise. Get my drift????


GOOD GIRL... glad you see that he needed to be mothered and you HAD to drop him. You are so much better off. Some people like that sort of thing... they like mothering adults. I personally am not one of those people. You grow resentful. And sometime the adult/child turns on you and is like a rebellious teenager...because you are mothering, they allowed it or needed it... and its a vicious cycle. They become resentful. You become resentful. A big head-ache all around.


Drop me a PM anytime and let me know how that dream journal works out for you. I think it was Carl Yung... phsycologist you did lots of work with dreams and interpretations. You might want to check out some of those books.

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