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How do you know when to stop NC

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Hey everyone,


I've been dying to find an answer to this question. The last time I broke my NC, was a complete disaster. I did NC for a week and thougth I was completely over her and could be just be friends with her. I would pretent to be happy and cheerful in front of her. But, when alone I would weep for hours. Then I decided that I needed to take care of myself. Since then I've been on NC for 2 weeks. I really don;t know how long to keep this NC going before I make contact with her again.


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


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My opinion is that you should stop no contact.. when you feel that you're able to live your life HAPPILY with/without them.

The morning you wake up and your first thought isn't them.... or the second ... and you realize.. it doesn't make you sad when think back anymores.


This is when you know when to stop no contact.

If you're already in this position, then you should be able to have a friendship with them, and witness them with a new partner.. and still be happy with our own life.

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Even if I don't care about my ex or who she is with anymore, how can I be 100% sure that I won't start feeling something for her when I make contact?


Also,it would be so hard just to be a friends with her after being sooooo much more.

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