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Hi, I'm an open, honest and passionate person, but I have some problems. I'm always feeling insecure, I lash out at people even when they haven't really done anything wrong, and that is losing me friends. Pretty soon after I have done this though, I apologise so so much, and always get angry at myself for taking it out on my friends. I don't know what to do, I've tried to stop and think first, but I just can't. I'm going to university next week, and I want to make new friends, but no-one is going to want to be with me if I'm like that. Only my closest friends get treated like this, I try to be nice with everyone else, and if you met me you wouldn't realise I was like this. It's like I am testing them to see if they will stick with me, I know that sounds crazy. I can change at a moments notice, I don't even know what does it.

Please give me some advice, I dont know what to do anymore.

Love Hk87

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dont feel bad hk87 i am basically like you in some ways so there are plenty of others.I often will say sorry like maybe 9 times to a person in like 30 minutes for such lil things.But i am not sure if this is what your talking but i do apologize just like u say.Only difference is im closed about my feelings so it doesnt cause conflict that way but does in different ways kind of hard to explain.Iono how i do it is that i am a very shy person so i dont really talk at all too people too give off thoughts in real life i repress them.The advice i can give u is too maybe repress those emotions too lash out at random people if possible.Ya like your saying is your feeling insecure about yourself and take out these blasted frustrations on your friends.Im sort of stuck here.Only idea i have is that one too hold back those emotions on people.Maybe just let out some of your emotions to your friends of how u feel about yourself.Thats what im gonna finally tell too my best friend.Before he goes back too the marines.So ya when u do have friends and they see that you are having frustrations from within then maybe just vent a lil bit too let off a lil bit of this steam and just maybe correct things i have done this a couple times.But o yah sorry u say your open so u probably spill out your emotions.so just hold them back if you are smothering people with them.Sorry analyzed the situation and kind of produced some ideas that may not even suit your situation and im sorry im bad at this i think too much and complicate things but i hope i help a lil.

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