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Im a 21 yr old galand have just graduated in college. during my highschool and college years ive had numerous boyfriends, but none of them lasted for more than 6 months. when i reached my 4th yr in college, i met this girl (a butch to be exact) through chat. i didnt expect that i would fall hard for her. unexpctedly, she was my first love. my family discovered our relationship and wants to break us up because they strongly believe that its a sin. we're stil together and is still struggling. a few times we were seen togeher by people and they tell my family about it. now my family's really mad and is desperate to split us up. what should i do? please help...

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No matter what they say or what they do we can't change our desires. We can only bury them. You family have to accept you and your way of life. When they go against your sexuality, they go against who and what you are. If they wont accept the situation, accept you then choose the girl. Love must always come first.


Being forced to be what you're not is actually (according to me) dangerous. People commit suicide because their family can't accept them. i think you should let them know that you are what you are and if they can't accept that then you might have to find people who will.


If you truly love someone you should want what is best for him/her not what is best yourself. Be who you are.

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You know by doing that your parents are judging you, and as far as I know that itself is sinning. Is it not true that all sins are equally bad, and that they're sinning just as bad as you? Shame that people these days choose not to realize this.


But anyways, if your family can't accept who you are, are they really your family or are they just a group of people that supposedly cared about you as you grew up? A family should be those who raise you and take care of you no matter what.

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I've lived with a conservative family, homosexuality among numerous other things they mark as sinful. Unfortunately, you can't change their minds in most cases.


Some families come to terms with their child's sexuality, others would rather disown, it depends how deep their beliefs run. If I ever told my family, it would be the latter - Disowing rather than acceptance.


The only thing I can truly suggest is unless there are ties other than just family emotional, you will have to express yourself to them and if they cannot accept, ties must be cut. It may sound cold, but how can you live happily if you have a family which wants nothing more than cause your misery through this particular route?


This is not an easy situation but it depends what you prefer - Supressed feelings and no able to be pleased as they force you into an unwanted het relationship and eventually married as those sort of family tend to pursue in such cases. Or keeping with what pleases you, and allow them to make a final decision whether they want to give up everything they've known about you and did with you over the years for one simple choice.


Like I say, some parents would rather forget everything and anything that had to do with you once you disagree and pursue what makes you happy. Poof, they cut you off if you don't obey them entirely (And it sticks throughout life, give them an inch they take a foot).


Or they eventually come to terms with reality and they either accept you and the act to some extent as long as you're happy, or they still condemn the act bicker about it but still consider you family. It truly just depends what is more important to both you and them.

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