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Long distance relationship, i want it to work, will it?

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Ok so a couple of weeks ago i meet this girl online. She lives just some 30 min away from were i live,its in a different city where she lives at. Ok so everything was going great, we had a bunch of stuff n commom and everything your other half should be. (ill try and summ it up quick i dont want ot bore you with a love ) Ok so any ways i sended her a photo of me, she said i was hot(i send it by mail), ok so that went well, she told me to look at this web site were she had her photo, ok she is hot to. So we tried to set a date but she couldnt come to my city,(she said it didnt bother her to come)But she didnt come(her mom kind of doesnt approve of me, even though she hasent even meet me), . We are both very much in love with each other, love does excist at my age. We have a very very very strong emotional relationship together, but she wants to get physycal now, and im down for it. So i guess my question/s to you are as followed: (if you have anymore questions to ask ME, go on)



1.Should i break up with her?,we havent even meet in person but i talked to her over the phone and stuff.


2. She has told me everything about her self and her familie and stuff, she trust me all kinds, she evens talks about her ex and how mean he was and how perfect i am.Is this looking like a long term relation, will all of these problems we face make us only stronger?


3.She wants to make this work, i have some doubts but still want it to work. Will it even though its long distance?


4.She said that her mom said that if she talks to me for a 3 more month that she can meet me then and see me.3 months till i get to see her, unless my friend takes me over there and we meet up in another place like a park or something. Should i wait?


So yhea were madly inlove, she was with her ex for 2 years, and im down for long term serious relatiionship.Ok so today i was talking to her online again we were having a conversation, but i immediately new that something was wrong, she said she needed to go because she felt sick and or something(probably some weird sadness thing) so she went to sleep, but later on im going ot talk to her, have any suggestions on what to say or something, i feelt like she left for another reason.


So if you got anymore questions or anything anything at all , say it even things that i didnt pick up on.

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The two of you haven't met in person yet, right? - It is way too soon to ask these questions.


.3 months till i get to see her, unless my friend takes me over there and we meet up in another place like a park or something.


Yes, I think the two of you should meet and see how well you match outside the virtual world, and after that you have another look at the situation.


All the best,


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Whats up man. 30 minutes is not that big of a deal. That is a cake walk drive. My girlfriend lived 20ish minutes away from me and we lasted a really long time. Just a few questions for you tho...


How do you know that your madly in love with her? Maybe you just think you do and that you want to feel that way about it. Also, dont forget that people accross the internet are sometimes totally different when met face to face. But like I said, 30 minutes is nothing. It can be worked if you two both want it to. Before you start thinking your madly in love with someone, try and meet her in person to see if that connection is there in person too. Just my 2 cents...


Best of luck to ya cause I do know the feeling of being madly in love.

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1. Right now breaking up sounds for a drastic move. I would give a little while and see how things go. If it gets continually difficult to pursue, then you should definitely consider breaking it off, but like the other person said, you haven't even met yet.


2. I think a lot will change and shape as soon as you guys meet each other offline -- not necessarily bad changes, but good ones. From there you will probably be able to more accurately predict whether or not it looks like a long term relationship. Some problems you face with people allow for stronger bonds to grow, and others simply spread you further a part. You can't really tell beforehand or even during. It takes a lot of retrospective thinking.


3. Both of you should have some doubts, as long as they are not overbearing to your feelings for each other. If you both want it to work, then honestly, the distance should not be a problem. It may get relatively bothersome at times, but if it's worth it to both of you, then it's worth getting over.


4. Totally up to you. In all actuality, you could both probably get away with that without her mom knowing. However, in the offchance that she finds out, you are further screwed on terms with her mom who will probably lay some heavy consequences down on her daughter. If you decide to meet up somewhere like a park, make sure everything is planned seamlessly so that nothing major occurs.


IdiotSavant is right.. how do you know you're in love with her? That's a big commitment for someone who hasn't even met the person face-to-face, and with such a short period of knowing each other. Take things slowly, just my general recommendation, and don't get too ahead of yourself with complicated questions.

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