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Is there any remedy for swollen breasts before/during period

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Well, women women's breast swell due to breastfeeding they often recommend cold compresses (warm before feeding to get the milk moving, cold afterwards), but for you I'd recommend putting cold compresses on the breasts to soothe the pain. Not sure if there are other things you can do.

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Yeah, I just take one at the beginning when the pain is really bad. Maybe two at the most if the pain comes back when it wears away. For me it's just the first day of my period that is horrid.


But one really does it for me. Without it I just can't function!

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This happens to me too. What bothers me the worst is exercising when my breasts feel like that. It can be very uncomfortable.


Make sure your bra is supportive, yet not too constricting. Bouncing makes it hurt worse, but squishing can hurt too.


What feels best is when I just lay down flat on my back and relieve some of the pressure from the constant gravity (which aggravates the swelling).


Motrin has also worked well for me.




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