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I'm having a dilemma here, I got 2 tickets for this concert, (july 23rd, i got a while), and I ended up inviting this girl who im pretty good friends with, she's really hot and we are into the same stuff, but she has a boyfriend already, and she'd have no problem finding a new one if they broke up if ya know what i mean. I'm not saying that I have to be going out with a girl to take her to a concert, but I'm wondering if i should have invited the girl i currently like, (see my other posts about my problems). Im trying not to come off as cheap, but why blow 60 bucks on takin a friend to a concert, if she doesnt even like me more than a friend, should i invite the other girl? and if i should how would i tell this friend?


im just confused!!

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I would keep the girl who's currently invited. If you just blow her off, it'd be pretty rude and it'd prove that you aren't a true friend. Then gain, she could understand, I personally don't know the girl so......

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Hey...I feel your pain. When I was a senior in high school, a female friend gave me a big guilt trip about taking her friend, who did not have a date to the prom. So, instead of taking a girl I liked (but had a rep), I did the easy thing and bought to guilt trip line and took the friend's friend. Big mistake. She was demanding all night, and ended up hooking up with someone in a swimming pool while I was passed out, having drank so much because I was so miserable. Take the girl you like, and if the friend is upset, tough luck. Maybe next time she'll have enough taste to date a cool guy with good tickets like YOU.


Oh, and as far as telling your friend, just tell her the truth. Tell her you have the hots for this other girl but she's still the greatest friend, and take her for some ice cream or something ridiculous and fun. (Beware: Keep blowing her off but being nice, and pretty soon you might find her looking at you in a new way.)

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thanks for the help, but I'd like as many different views on this as possible, keep the advice comin, and by the way, they are both held in high regard by many others, ones a seinor and ones a freshman, im a juinor and as of now im taking the seinor, who HAS a boyfriend but the freshman is the one who i like rite now is just talking about some guy who she likes asked her out then 5 minutes later talks about how she "doesnt know him well enough to go out"



id still appreciate any help

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No problem...you can't really go wrong either way. It's not really a question of right or wrong in my opinion. Wrong would be something like you promised a girl who likes you a lot that you'd take her, but ditched her at the last minute for someone else. That would be really shabby behavior.


If you're anything like me, you'll spend a few long "dates" with either friends or dates that you don't hit it off with, and at some point you won't have to ask this question. It'll be crystal-clear who you prefer spending your time with, and your friends should if anything egg you on to take the girl you like. It'd be especially agonizing if you happen to like this friend and have to sit there and pretend otherwise.


Have fun and good luck!

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