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is it a good idea to let a date "sink in"

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hey guys,


suppose you went out and had a pretty good date, lots of fun had, alot of talking, met her parents, the whole 9 yards. Is it a good or bad idea to let her sit on that good experience the next day, like not call or anything? or is it preferred to call the next day...just wondering, wanna make this relationship work out in the oh so delicate early stages.



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This sounds so textbook, and relationships are anything but.


However, I once read that after the first date, a guy will contact a woman within 72 hours if he's truly interested. Contact that same night is seen as too dependent and contact the next day, keeps you from thinking things over.


Some women will be mad, but most as on pins and needles wondering, so a little pining really isn't bad. It builds things.


I've had guys call a week after the first date and I was pi***d by then, but still gave him a chance.

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