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i don't know what i'm supposed to do, or what i even can do

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i don't know what to do, i'm going out with the guy i've been in love with for like, 8 months, he asked me out a couple of months ago, but around that time, i got in trouble with my parents with school and i wasn't allowed to see anybody, and i could never ever see him, and now everyone's telling me that he's telling everyone that we've broken up and now he's going out with someone else, but he hasn't said a word about it to me at all and he isn't answering any of my calls.


some people think i should just give him up, not only because he's cheating, but because he's older and has a bad reputation



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Hey proditor,


If he has a bad reputation, and regarding the way he treated you, I would try to forget him. In my opinion, he doesn't have a lot going for him: he could have just postponed the date, he has a bad reputation, and things can be really hard if there is an age difference (especially in a case where you are underage and he'd be considered an adult).


If he really cared about you, he'd have called and waited for you to get things straight at home.



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thanks so much for your advice, i'll totally think about what you said



If he really cared about you, he'd have called and waited for you to get things straight at home.



he really did, i would talk to him as much as possible on IM, and stuff, and he seemed cool with it at first, but then he stopped answering, and that was the only indication that he was getting tired of waiting or something, he never said anything to me about not being able to see much as much as he wanted or vice versa


i love him so much, other people don't like him because he used to be a really bad kid, like he was into drugs for a while, but he's stopped since then, he swears he has and i haven't seen a single sign that hes doing any of those things


i don't even know what id say if i called him, cause i don't know if i should be angry or not



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