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Shes pulling away and I don't know what to do

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Hey allright this is my little story. Hope you like reading

I met this girl a little while ago, now at first she was just a friend of some of my friends and we didn't really talk. Later on I went to a party and she was there, we talked a bit more and got to know each other somewhat. The party got cut short and I needed a place to stay so I went with her to her friends house and crashed there (nothing happened). Ever sense then we started hanging out a lot, I eventually asked her to prom (it started out as a joke but later we decided we were serious). We started spending more and more time together and getting closer to each other, I then found out that she doesn't date people because of a past realation ship. She didn't say what but it involves her getting hurt by a guy a few years back.

Now me, her, and my friend had a discussion about the difference between just dating and building a relationship, dating just being physical, and relationship being more then that. She agreed that she could build a relationship.

We started spending a lot of time together in and out of school. Over the last few weeks when watching a movie or something she would lean up against me, hold hands and stuff like that, but when I asked her if we were building a relationship she said she didn't know.

Now the thing that messed me up is prom was a few days ago, and durring prom she seemed really pulled back. She seemed to be making it a point to be with everyone else except me, afterwards at a party when I went to hold her hand she pulled it away, I walked away and she didn't seem to care, she just talked to our friends, latter on when I looked at her she seemed kind of sad and dazed out (there was no drinking so it wasn't that), she had to be home at 3am so she called a cab and left.

Prom was wednesday so its been 3 days sense I talked to her and I don't know what I should do. It would be easier to figure out what to do if I was just attracted to her because she was hot or something but its not just that, I really like her alot, spending time with her, talking to her, just having her around makes me happy. I don't know if I should go talk to her now or just wait it out and see what happens. And if I go talk to her I'm afraid I'm going to mess something up and not say things the way they should be said.

Any suggestions would be great.

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oo this seems to be pretty serious. that part when she pulled her hand away..hmm i wonder why she would jsut do that..think about what u have done to see if u did anythign wrong. if u did, ya gotta think about patchin it up. anyway, i would jsut give it a little mroe time to see what happens. if yer patient u can wait till she makes a move, or if yer brave ya can just go oout and take a risk (ask her whats wrong and what u did) i dont know what else to say man, sorry. i hope the best for u too, and good luck. hope this helps

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Hi LordDude,


I don't think u have done anything wrong!!! so....why does she behave this way???? beats me!!!

By what u explain abt holding hands, being physically close...etc...i can make out for sure that both of u are attracted..no doubt abt it...but dont judge abt relationships now itself.....that is completely different.....For that u have to know ur mate very very well.....i mean u have to know her good/bad everything and like her for that....and she has to feel the same way!!! thats important!!!!

Now.... coming back....u be the good guy!!! just try contacting and meeting her and ask her something like..."Why were u dull and hurt that day my dear??? Was i the reason for it??" it is a nice gentlemanly way of asking and females like sweet guys ;-). if u were the reason for something u dont know.....then be the first to apologize and ask her to forgive u....else drop it there and tell her that u have forgotten it!!!! that shud put both of u back on track.....


All the Best...




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i dont think u did anything wrong either but mayb some little reminded her of her past relationship and she felt insecure or w/e if u talk to any of her close friends mayb u should ask them what happened with the past relationship n u can c y she is acting like this

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