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I need help for tonight.....

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Tonight i'm goin to see my friend and his band play....i've liked this guy for a long time, but whenever I get around him, we say hi to each other, but things never progress.....we mainly just stand there till one of us says he/she has to go. What should I talk to him about, what kinds of ways can I flirt with him?? I need to know these things.....i'm a rookie haha!


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on a second thought, don't - if they're good, everyone will say it. If they honestly suck and nobody tells him that he was good, then absolutely go and say that he was good.


If everyone says that, you need to think of something that is different yet flattering. Say something that will be both flattering and a bit teasing. Bet many won't do that.

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Well if the conversation will be after the band's performance you could always go and specialize the compliments so to speak. Instead of just saying the band was good, you could make a personal comment that he looked great out there playing. Then depending on the guy whether he is shy or social or at a loss of words some may just say "Thanks" and others will carry on about how they prepared for the event.


Now assuming he is in the shy category or just in general gives a one word answer you can ask something like - You put into so much effort towards playing and helping the band with your talent now, do you have any musical plans after (High School, College,?)? This may encourage him to speak on his plans. Which may work in both ways for you. If he starts talking about future plans you can work with that asking generalized questions on this musical goal, or if he just says No, then you can always go around and ask what else he enjoys that much he would like to make a career of.


The general idea would be to warm up get the talk going. Usually if you can get a person to talk about themselves enough, they will relax making conversation easier. Depending on his schedule and what not, before he says he has to go and just standing around you could just casually say something like - I was planning to go down to (Um, for a general locale example) Dairy Queen tonight at x: xx and wondering if maybe you'd be interested in going to get something later too? - I don't know if that was the best example, Just want to make it an open ended statement like you already have plans and wondering if he could come and it wouldn't be an intrusion if he did come.


If he were to accept you would then have the time to spend with him there, then you could get more into flirting but not overdoing it, yet allow him to lead the show if he is interested.


As for flirting itself this article seems to cover just about all your flirting possibilities in a generalized nutshell. It is lengthy but covers a good deal of information especially near the end and I believe it would be worth checking out - link removed

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