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drunk... driving... on the wrong side of the road is fun?

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My friend was trying to get me to lie to my parents about where we were going, we were supposedly going to the movies with two 15 year old girls, or at least that what he wanted me to tell my parents.


I didnt go, the girls were really 18 and 19 years old, he was only 14, and i was 15. I didnt want to go because i was scared, and i knew my parents would find out some how... and sure enough, my dad found out. We go bowling every wednesday, and the guy who owns the bowling alley was out, and saw my friend and these 2 girls. My friend is white, and the one girl is black, she is 18, and they are dating as of yesterday. He lied to his parents and told them they were goin to the movies, but they went out joyriding doign things that could have gotten them killed or in big trouble. His girlfriend was drunk and they were all over the road.. and they pulled off and went out in the woods together and were alone.... i dont know what to do about this, i feel like his parents should know, there are a lot of people saying his girlfriend is pregnant. and when you put the pieces together it seems like it could be true.

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well i think its not really ur place to go and talk to his parents. but he is your friend so talk to him. tell him how u think its not cool to act like this and do stupid stuff such as drinkin and drivin with these girls. that is really the best thing u can do......and hopefully he will listen.

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First things first, I think it's awesome that you had the guts to stand up to your friend and tell him you weren't going to go. I hope your parents appreciate that fact


Outside of that, the first thing I would do is to sit down and talk with your friend and let him know how worried you are for him. If he won't listen I would suggest going to the school counselor. I know they can seem like morons at times but they are trained in dealing with situations like these and would probably be able to handle it the best. Plus this way you might be able to save your friendship at a time when your friend might really need you, since it won't be you going to his parents and he won't have to know it was you who talked to the counselor.

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What difference does it make what her skin colour is? If that is affecting how you feel about what is happening then you need to be aware of that and make sure you are not exaggerating.


However, if he is riding in her car while she is drunk - tell his parents. It will probably cost you his friendship but it could save his life and that is the consideration that over-rides anything else. He won't be a friend to anyone if he is dead.


• One person is killed every half-hour due to drunk driving. It is responsible for more teen deaths than any other cause

• Each year approximately 16,000 are killed in alcohol related crashes

• Alcohol is a factor in almost half of all traffic fatalities

• Every other minute a person is seriously injured in an alcohol related crash

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WELL DONE for not going with them!


Secondly, I agree with this statement from DN - However, if he is riding in her car while she is drunk - tell his parents. It will probably cost you his friendship but it could save his life and that is the consideration that over-rides anything else. He won't be a friend to anyone if he is dead.


I hope you make the right decision.


Good luck and take care.

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