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I'm pregnant and depressed


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I'm pregnant. I'm happy about it but scared. I'm going through depression right now and having a hard time getting out of it. I cannot be on anti-depressants, due to the fact they are harmful to the baby. So i'm really struggling.


I am raising the baby alone, as the father decided he didn't want to stick around.


My family and friends is all back home, in the province of British Columbia. And i don't really have friends out here in Alberta.


I recently had met a great guy and things were going well, and then he stopped calling. I left a few messages over a week period...but still no call...so he is out of the picture obviously. And i'm pretty bummed about it. I really really like him. He is a great guy. And he also is a doctor.


Anyone have any advice for battling this depression amist the raging pregnancy hormones?


Thank you for all and any replies!

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Congratulations on the baby - I wish you a healthy pregnancy and baby!


Are you taking any pre-natal exercise classes? Something like yoga or water aerobics will help lift your mood, by getting endorphins going, connect you to other soon-to-be moms and the community & make some friends.


It can also help ease your fears talking to others. Take some lamaze classes too if you can, they will also help. And don't be scared, you will be able to handle it I am sure


Also make sure you are eating well, and resting!


Talk to your OB/GYN about other options for you that will not harm the baby.


Don't look for others for your happiness, such as that guy, find it within yourself. Not sure WHY he has left picture, it may be "possible" he was scared by idea of getting serious with someone who is going to be a mom soon right now or it could be a multitude of other things..it does suck, but just means he was not right guy for you.


If the father does pop back in your baby's life and he is a reasonably stable person, also support that relationship between him and his & your baby...as long as he is committed to it and not going to take off anytime he feels like it. He might have gotten scared at the idea, as many people do, sometimes though they do realize their responsibilities and return.


How far along are you?

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You're a STRONG WOMAN for having this baby on your own.


I think the most important thing is that you don't go through this alone. If I were in your position, I would look also around your community and see if there are any support groups for women. I'm sure there are women goign through the same thing right now- and it would probably be comforting to know you're not alone and be able to talk with someone who understands.


Hospitals, women's clinics, and women's resources centers are probably great places to look for info on support groups.


Try to stay in contact with your family as much as possible. Maybe you can arrange a visit?


You might also want to try some meditation, yoga, or light exercise (doctor approved of course) to help you feel connected to your body as you go through this process.





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I know what you're going through is very hard. Keep your chin up girl. Do something good for yourself, something you've been wanting to do, some yoga or some art or something expressive.


Know your worth. You're sad right now, so having a relationship, while it lifts up the spirits probably isn't the best thing for you.... give yourself some time, try to hang out with some people, k?

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Sorry i should have cleared this up. The guy i am interested in, but has stopped calling, is a doctor. Sorry for the confusion. So i don't think he is scared by being in a relationship with a single mom....


Just because he is a doctor does not preclude him from being afraid..people are human, whatever their profession. I have known plenty of doctors scared of even having a relationship, never mind with a single mom

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I know its a sad situation but quit bumming out about things you have no control over and find some help for you and your baby if you have no place to stay look into home for young single mothers with no jobs.. the only thing you should be thinking about is the health of you and your baby. i know plenty of single moms some have found great men aftertheir baby was born things will work out for you you just have to believe dont give up ok

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  • 2 weeks later...

First, congrats! You'll make it through this, and when you see your baby it'll all be worth it.


Currently Zoloft and Prozac are safe antidepressants to take during pregnancy. The only side effect is when the baby is born he/she will have withdrawal-meaning cramping for 48 hours, typically. For trouble sleeping, Benadryl 50-100mg is safe, too. You may want to talk to your dr. about getting on one of these meds if your depression is intolerable. (I'm a mental health case worker with two pregnant clients with depression-they're both on meds and their moods have improved dramatically! Another former client had a perfect baby after being on Prozac throughout the entire pregnancy.)


Best of luck!

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