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I look the to the sky to see your star

And I see it shining with another

and it shakes me to the core

I have fallen from my rock, and for the first time, I am scared

I fear nothing more than seeing your arms wrapped around another body,

Someone else tasting your love

I remember you scratching at my chest, begging to be let in

And I want you here to ease my pain, and calm my fears

I'm so tired of this sadness

I hope distance cures this ailment

But I know I must wait until my time has come

And then, I will learn of my fate…

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Nice...guessing it's not just poetry, based on your name....possibly a song?


Anyways, I like that man...I can relate to that poem really well right now in my life with another...and there's nothing more I like than that, even tho my fears have already seem to come true....till next time, keep writing.

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just some feelings i needed to get out of me

about a love that i dont whether ive lost or not...


u play guitar?


Whoa man, exactly how I feel....I dont know about love...but, yea...not sure if I've lost or not either...


I wrote something about it too...but mine was definitely written during a time when I was a little pissed about the whole thing....let's just say I read something on an online journal of hers that I probably shouldn't have read...and I could literally feel emotions rising.


Time goes on, but still

I remember that night

The words that I heard

Tho you act as if everything's alright


You're making me sick

With this unbearable pain

So I'm ending this now

I never want to feel this way again


It's tearing me apart on the inside

These feelings that were so blind

Change is for the best this time

Because I can feel the anger rising...


Not sure if to use 'anger' or 'emotions'...or something tho, I sorta want another word there.


Yea I play guitar, and beginning to try and write my own stuff...but it's harder than I thought.

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It reminds me of Pabulo Neruda's poem "Saddest Poem" - (see here: link removed ).



I look the to the sky to see your star

And I see it shining with another

and it shakes me to the core

I have fallen from my rock, and for the first time, I am scared

I fear nothing more than seeing your arms wrapped around another body,

Someone else tasting your love

I remember you scratching at my chest, begging to be let in

And I want you here to ease my pain, and calm my fears

I'm so tired of this sadness

I hope distance cures this ailment

But I know I must wait until my time has come

And then, I will learn of my fate…

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