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An amazing dream!

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Recently i had the most amazing dream.

It has totally made me rethink my life, what i want to do with it and how i want it to and will end up.


I was also confused as what to do for a career. I want to study Psychology and this year i begin enrolment at my local college. Psychology IS my career path but there are other things i would like to do with my life...i want to write a book.


No matter how sceptical some people i know are i know they can't stop me succeeding.


The dream itself was in a back alley that led to a dead end. It was there that i stood, in the alley when someone appeared from nowhere but i don't remember what he looked like or who he said is name was but i felt like i knew him. He told me to look at the wasll very carefully and i did.

To my amazement there was a door that was barely visible.

It said: "Just live or die"


I've learned now. To stop worrying about what could happen and just look forward to what will happen.

I wonder if anyone else has just "woke up" if you get what i mean and just seen through th confusion of life.

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That reminds me of the great quote from The Shawshank Redemption:


"Get busy living, or get busy dying..."


I have had a couple of portent dreams like you, one last year I heard a huge voice say to me "Don't forget Page 301".

I woke up with a start, I wasn't frightened, but I knew it meant something, but I've yet to discover what it means...

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nice man, you just may have met your Spirit Guide Everyone has a spirit guide and sometimes when were really lost we get some guidance, even though it may seem like a dream sometimes it can be more then a dream. Especially if you're a spiritual person and believe in god, it can really help you in life, thats sick that you know what you want to do and I have a similar dream, I want to study psychology but use it to help troubled teens.

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I had a dream once where i was walking along a dirt track and this Japanese woman in a Kimino led me to a big endless field, much like a courtroom, with an endless horizon (weird i know) and she said, "you're the 7th one you know", and i have yet to figure it out.


I also had a dream a few years back that this old man, in a white flowing gown, with long white hair and a white beard was reading me out a contract. It was really weird, like the contract of life or something. That's how i felt about it anyway.


I love dreams! I take notice of them everyday, some of my dreams are even prophetic. I won't go on about them, but some of them actually come true.


The dream where you are in a back alley seems obvious to me. You felt like you had nothing to lose, that you were going nowhere and then this door appears. It is your way out. The voice is your higher conscious speaking to you with the basic message "just live or die", which is the choice we all have ultimately. When you look at life, you make a CHOICE to either live or die. It's all about choice.

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