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How absolutely annoying life can be.

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Ah so another weekend has come and gone.

Last year I met this kid at my job who was from Poland.

His English was good for having never really lived in a English speaking country. He had a personality I found trust worthy. So we talked and made friends and I tld him if he ever comes back to New York City he is free to hit the local clubs and bars with me.

Fast forward a yr later.

He is back from Poland on a people to people student visitor.

He is studying physics and enginnering in Poland and is relaxing here before his last yr of school and wants to go out with me so he can meet some chicks.

Sure thing. He was a nice kid and I'd be happy to show him around town and maybe we can even hit Greenpoint so he can see how his local native immigrants are living here too.

We are both busy so we don't meet up the first month and a half he is here. (plus i was avoiding being around people cuz I was angry and sanguine and in no mood to be around lots of people or be expected to entertain anybody).

It turns out he gets screwed over where he is staying by some seedy people. They stick him in a basement in soho with four guys who don't speak any English and who have two dogs that crap on the floor. Roaches everywhere.

He wakes up to find several huge new yorker rats crawling all over him.

His employee is an italian immigrant who constantly refers to him as a stupid pole.

He flees where he is living and takes up with a guy who then tries to collect tribute by requesting sex (he is straight) so he flees there too.

He calls me desperately and puts me in a bit on the spot.

I am like man I am disgusted by my fellow new yorkers. You can stay here with me for the next three weeks before you fly home.

So he brings his stuff over and buys me a burger, later some subway, and pays the laundry mat to get some of my blankets out so he can sleep on em.

He stays for one night then gets an offer to have a whole apartment to himself else where so he moves in there.

Now I have terrible eye sight and have lost my glasses.

During the one day while his stuff was here I ruffled briefly through his bag thinking it was my backpack which was nearby and then put ALL his stuff back.

Next he comes takes his stuff and leaves.

Next thing I know he has lost four hundred in cash and thinks I have stolen it.

I told him I didn't take anything. (In fact I have never stolen once in my entire life even as a kid).

He says I am not accusing you but you can see how it looks.

I said yeah I guess so, buy him taco bell since he is broke and tell him honestly I didn't take anything.

He nodded, picked up my pill bottle and examined it talking about how expensive this stuff must be.

I said actually no, my stepdad pays for it. As you can see the prescription is shipped to me from 1100 miles away.

I offern and let him look through my stuff while he apologizes and tell him if I find it I'll tell him.

So I am irritated but I can understand.

Here is where I suddenly find myself ready to explode.

I get a call from him asking me to pay him back for the lunch and blankets.

I said sorry I can't and besides, you bought that stuff for me and the blankets were so you could sleep on em. If I had it I would but this is New York and you still have the option to leave whenever you want, even if it means ruin ing your trip, where as I gotta eat.

He said yeah life is brutal.

I said well I didn't take anything.

He said yeah you know everything.

I calmly ignored the comment and that was that.

Now, I realize he is desperate and confused but the fact is I still can't help suddenly feeling this rage and desire to throttle him.

This is the second instance in six months of my generosity turning into something bad.

I of course have no intention of hurting the poor kid. I feel crappy he is in the situation he is in and he will have to fly home. But man when he told me yeah you know everything after all the ^&&*(^(* I did sticking my neck out for him I wanted to rip him in two.

I have a great deal of cruelty at heart. Cruelty as pitch and ravenous as anybody in this world. And here I sigh and resist it and act the nice part. But man it is tough sometimes.

This seems to happen alot when I am playing the good guy.

Not asking for advice. I didn't do anything wrong. But man I was furious. And to make things more annoying, for a split second I wondered if maybe i did take it and I had gone insane or didn't know myself.

I was so friggin loyal to that guy even though I didn't know him that well too.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. I feel better now.

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Well what it comes down to is that you know you didn't take it. Let him think what he wants. He'll be out of the country soon and this will be old news.


If he's still convinced you took the money- he still can't possibly think you are as bad as the others he came accross:


It turns out he gets screwed over where he is staying by some seedy people. They stick him in a basement in soho with four guys who don't speak any English and who have two dogs that crap on the floor. Roaches everywhere.

He wakes up to find several huge new yorker rats crawling all over him.

His employee is an italian immigrant who constantly refers to him as a stupid pole.

He flees where he is living and takes up with a guy who then tries to collect tribute by requesting sex (he is straight) so he flees there too.


You opened your home to him and you didn't immerse him in rats or try to get him in bed. It sounds like he's been around a lot of weirdos who would be capable of stealing from him. Anyone could have taken his money.


This is the second instance in six months of my generosity turning into something bad.


Sometimes you're better off being a mean guy...even when put on the spot....




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Walkin let's face the facts pal. I took a chance even letting him into my home. You know people who would do that? Not many. He could have stolen from me and been out the door the next day. I took him in when he was in trouble. If that isn't a good deed what precisely is?

Yeah what happened to him sucks but don't point fingers at one of the only guys who HAS tried to do you a favor while you were here. I already said I sympathize with what happened to em. But since I didn't take it, it is irritating I was in this position.

As far as being a nice guy. I am not a nice guy or a mean guy. Sometimes I can be cruel, sometimes I can be friendly.

I am what I am. I am what I am not.

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Hey Nap, Feel better getting it off your chest?


First off, I'll take the criticisers post apart; Bit by Bit.


I don't think what you did was that great



I do, and I'm sure a hell of a lot of people out there think that taking a Polish student under hard times that's been living it rough, into your own house - is 'great'.




I think the guy had every reason to be suspicious of you



Oh...Kay - Picture this - Your in a foreign country - You've been living with rats/ignorant people and a guy that tried to seduce you, someone that you've known for some time; invites you to their apartment.


Later you find that your money is missing. Of course - at first you may be a little suspicious, as it was in your bag. But then you question the person, who has kindly taken you in - they deny having any part in it, and sympathize with your situation. Do you still find them suspicious? even after considering all the places you could have lost that money?. I wouldn't.


If you aren't a nice guy, you shouldn't pretend to be one



And I'm sure you're constantly 100% nice to everyone? no matter how much they torture/beat or falsely accuse you?.. yeah, right.


I know Nap, he's not a bad guy, and he's not pretending to be nice either.

Don't comment on what you don't know.


he had a horrible time, loses $400, has to go back to Poland, and YOU'RE furious?



Nap Said

I sympathize with what happened to em.



The words of a furious man? no...


After being accused of stealing money by a friend, you too would be angry; but you'd still feel bad for the guy.



Anyway... I said what I thought to you earlier on this Nap.


I know it's annoying - but most people will know you've done the right thing.


Well done for keeping your temper too.


Try and forget about him - he'll be home soon enough.


Take care man.

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Yeah.. totally agree with darkblue.. don't know why there is a poster trying to put Napoleon into a black hat... He didn't do anything wrong..

Heck.. the polish guy could of just "said" he lost $400 in cash... and actually not had it at all.. How is Napoleon to know?

Yeah.. it sucks when you try to be a stand-up guy and helpful and courteous to people and they just spit on you in return... Hey.. I would of paid $400 myself to keep someone of my own sex from trying to seduce me!!!

You actually saved his hide.....

I don't blame you for being pissed.. i've had alot of instances where i've helped out someone i didn't know well.. and they just took it for granted... It's enough to make a normal person mad.. don't feel guilty for being pissed off Napoleon.

Well.. next time maybe he will go stay in motel when he comes to the states...

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