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A question for the guys

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For me, I just want a girl to really, really like me. I have a self esteem problem so I love it when girls make it clear that they like me. I feel great when I know someone likes me.


I like it when girls are forward with me about how they feel.

I like it when girls tell me how they feel.

I don't like it when girls keep me guessing and crap like that.

I like it when girls are affectionate.

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LOL I had to say it. I"m a guy.



Don't hate the messenger


And all us A cup girls wept in silence.

Just kidding. Thanks for being honest. Haha.


If you don't mind me asking, what do you want to know this info for, blondjeanyis2009? You said it yourself...every guy is different (as you can see by the vast differences in answers here!)...so if you're trying to find a way to make yourself more appealing to a certain guy, these answers may not help as much!

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Ok, if you want honesty, I have to be honest and I can't hold it in any longer.....aueft, you are so hott! There i said it, and for the guys who like the big boobs.....well can't help you there.....but personally I don't like big boobs...and I'm thankful for what I got hahaha,


ok, you guys are helping....my problem is, there's a guy that I really like....he's so sweet. He would be my definanition of my perfect bf. But he's a major flirter....he flirts with any girl he meets. He's so unreadable, its very hard. I need to know, what kind've things make a guy notice a girl.....what kind've things do you guys like besides physical things in a girl....???

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First of all.. blondjeanyis2009.. I love your quote.. and I am going to steal it to send to someone.. thank-you thank-you thank-you...


And.. STRICTLY4MYGRIND... love the handle.. and your quote is cool too... OMG.. had me rolling...


OK.. to answer your question.. I'm a women..but I think am qualified to answer your question as.. I can probably sell ice-cubes to an Eskimo.


#1 thing guys love is CONFIDENCE and an ATTITUDE. If you have confidence you will walk taller, stand out more.. and just oooze sex appeal. Big boobs or not... CONFITDENCE AND 'TUDE... takes the cake.

So .. .learn to love yourself first and foremost..and the rest of the world be darned. YOU.. are the one that is most important in your life.



#2.. A sense of humor. Gotta be able to laugh. And learn to laugh at yourself first. That goes hand in hand with #1.


#3... To wrap it all up... learn the art of FLIRTING. Its a lost art..to be a consomate flirt you have to have a 'tude and be confident.


IF he is such a FLIRT.. he will not be able to resist the challenge of another flirt. Ever learn to play poker??? Can you hold a straight face... try flirting with him.. saying something flirty to him..and then spin around and walk away. Walk away slowly.. with an attitude.. take a peak at him from about 10 paces and keep walking. Guarenteed to catch a FLIRT hook line and sinker. LOL.

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For ****s sake!!


WHY all this talk of flirting? You know, people that flirt as a habit don't usually have very long relationships - they can't stop flirting with other people...


Alright. I suppose there are things that I do generally look for in a girl;


1./ A sense of humour.

2./ Pretty eyes.

3./ A nice smile.


But, I've been with my girlfriend for a couple of years now, and I had various unsuccessful relationships before her.


She walked into the room, and blew me away completely; she was pretty, seemed genuinely interested in me, and we got along fine - no awkward silences!


If you take a genuine interest in someone's personal life (maybe a hobby, or an event), they will instantly clock the fact that you're making an effort.


Hope it helps...

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Someone who understands me and cares about me.


You can't make a guy like you. If he is a flirt, he is going to continue to flirt until he decides it is no longer worth it. You can talk to him, be friends, flirt back, get closer, etc.... but if he isn't ready for something serious, then he's not going to start something. He sounds like a charmer. You might want to consider if he's worth it, or if you think he'll keep flirting with other girls even when he's suppose to be with you.

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Well I have a tie between three things:


1.)Sense of humor - I love it when girls can make me laugh


2.)Good taste in music - doesn't favor mainstream crap, one or 2 bands is ok, as long as the voices don't sound like New Found Glory... , I hate that.


3.) Laid-back - Girls that take life too serious turn me off.


Most of all though I like Sense of humor.

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1. Knows what she wants in life -- Everybody should know what they want to do in life in their young adult/adult life. If you just sit at home everyday not doing anything the least bit productive, then I probably would lose interest, or not have any interest whatsoever. I'm a very motivated person, and am not afraid to go after my dreams, even if it means making some sacrifices.


2. Down-to-earth -- Someone who enjoys the simple things in life. Someone who I can talk to and enjoy having a conversation without constantly being on edge.

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To give a little more detail,in my case well:


1) honest


3)smarter than me(so i have competition =p)

4)Same taste in most things

5)most enjoy the things i like and viseversa


7)Good phisic but not really necesary as long as shes not over weight or below it

8)wild when necesary yet modest when necesary

9) intresting

10)and well this one goes without saying ^^ (wild in bed)

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I like simple girls, no make up, doesn't wear revealing clothes, no highlights in their hair, doesn't smoke or drink. I like girls who are smart and funny. The one who can make you laugh and smile. The one you can have conversation all day and never gets dull. I also like girls who are athletic, and outgoing.

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