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Scared of getting close.

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Ok. i have been datong this girl for a long time. it is a long distance relationship. but thats not the issue, i have never had fears that she is cheating or vice versa. the problem is, she has been hurt before, from getting to close to someone, and now that i finally got her to open up to me, she is going through the same thing again. she is scared of getting close. i love this girl, i really do. but it hurts me not to talk to her, cuz i need to talk to wor out my problems, but she thinks she needs to be alone and work it out her self to get over it. and she is SOOOO stubborn, i cant convince her that that might not be the best thing. she is having a hard time with the whole relationship thing. the words "us" and "together" scare her. but i cant convince her for the life of me that i am not going to hurt her. for anyreason. of course, i have onlyscratched the surface. i just wanted to see if anyone knows what i should do, if anything......

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Matt.. I am the same type of girl as your girlfriend so I think I understand. I have said that same thing to a guy I really loved because I really was scared of the long distance and just that he would not always be there. I really think you should just stick it out and be really persistent with her. Prove to her you care enough to not go anywhere.

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she has just built a wall up around her self, and keeps saying that she cant. "i cant break down the wall" and "i cant see myself being with only one person". and she really hurt me. she told me, maybe what she thought was love was really the front she put up to hide her fear, and maybe this is the real her. i know i need to give her time to work this out, but it just hurts so much if i cant hear her voice or see her.

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