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I don't get it...

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I broke up with my ex the last time I posted here and everything was going good. Until tonight he said he misses me.


I told him not to say that, cause it's not true. He said it was. I said yeah you miss the physical side of things the kissing, the touching, the holding one another. I broke up with him cause we just got bored when we were together. He won't leave the issue. He won't let go. We had nothing emotional in the end. Things started out great and then fizzled once we got to the spending time out side of the bedroom together. So I said goodbye. We still chat online nearly everyday it wasn't a bitter split, but yeah it still hurt. And to have him say he misses me really annoys me and I told him so. I can't seem to make him see that we can't go back to the way things were. That it's time to move on and meet new people. For someone who had no emotional feelings for me he seems to be having trouble letting go.


I just needed to vent I'm so angry with him right now. He didn't have the right to say that to me. Then say he isn't able to make an effort to take me out and stuff. I didn't expect it all the time, but it would've be nice to go out to dinner or a movie once in a while. Just never happened ](*,)

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Hi missjayne,


Yes, for someone who has no feeling for you isn't worth your time. To add, someone who is with you just for the touching and kissing is lust not love. He did not make effort to take you out is an obvious sign.

Do not let him use you.

So try to ignore him and cut him off the MSN.

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Well, he has the right to how he feels. And it is usually a mistake to tell someone how they feel - it is somewhat arrogant, if you think about it. You can't get into someone's head and heart - and by contradicting him you are also calling him a liar which is not a pleasant thing to do - especially if you want to maintain a friendship.


But if you don't want him to tell you how he feels then maybe you should not be talking to him at all. It sounds very much as if you are both not over the relationship and that it is too soon to move into into a simple friendship.


And as to your point about taking you out to dinner and a movie etc. Did you ever take him out?

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But if you don't want him to tell you how he feels then maybe you should not be talking to him at all. It sounds very much as if you are both not over the relationship and that it is too soon to move into into a simple friendship.


And as to your point about taking you out to dinner and a movie etc. Did you ever take him out?


I'm over the whole thing. He's the one that keeps asking if I miss him and he's the one that keeps saying he misses me. As for offering to take him yes I did, but he didn't want to. Another reason I ended things.

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