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Does age make a difference?

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It's a popular question to ask but this is for a different issue... but here's a quick scenario: My boyfriend and I and our best friends are 23-25. After chillin at a restaurant one evening, she decided that she wanted to give my boyfriend her number (he's a webmaster on a popular website in our city) and so she did. She does have a boyfriend and all that but here's my and our best friends' deal: she is only 17 and still in high school while we are mid-20s and graduated from college. She has been wanting to "hang out" a helluva lot but mainly with my boyfriend. Is there something more than just wanting to be friends? I mean, she's in high school so I'm sure she has tons of friends. Does a 17-yr-old have a place in the midst of us mid-20'ers? What's your thought?

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I guess what sort of irks me the most is the fact that she only calls my bf and wants to hang out only with him... and then when he invites the rest of us to go, she kinda gets this look of disappointment. I just find it super weird that she doesn't make an attempt to befriend the rest of us. Does that make sense?

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That is a HUGE age difference for friends considering she is still in high school?


I am curious what you have in common, why do you consider her your best friend? It would just seem that you would be in very different "places" I guess.


Not saying its wrong, just find it unusual...I mean I am 26 and "best friends" of sorts with my sister whom is 19, but shes my sister! I would not have much in common with someone 19 who was not related


It sounds like she has a crush - and well, since she is at a different maturity level, she probably does not realise that "real life" is not high school. I imagine in her world right now, relationships are shorter term, not always totally committed, and she does not feel its "wrong" to see your boyfriend alone...maybe she does hope for more.


Why don't you talk to her...if she is your best friend, let her know it makes you uncomfortable that she calls your boyfriend so often. I'd say if she never talks about other men, or dates other men around your bf, it is VERY possible she is crushing...

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Honestly I would say no. My friends fall into generally the same age range, 22-25. One of my friends who is 23 is dating an 18 yr old and their is an obvious difference in the maturity levels. She just doesn't have the same life experiences that the rest of us do. And that's at 18 almost 19 and having finished her first year of college. I can't really say we see her as a peer because the late teens through very early twenties seem to make such a huge change in people.


I know I personally would have nothing in common with a 17 year old. I mean she would still have a curfew, be following her parents rules, worrying about SATs, etc... That's all stuff that my friends and I put behind us years ago. I wouldn't be rude and could have a VERY casual friendship with someone like that, but that would be about the extent of it. Plus I'm happy to be past the age where my friends and I have to worry over whether everyone can go to a certain concert or out to the bar on the weekends.

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