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puff the magic mama lives by a sewage treatment plant

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i think this post belongs here.

i hope so.


i have an ex fiance. i moved out due to reasons of abuse and so forth. good move.


well, all the while i was dating him i was dealing with his ex. she posted things about me online (ive screenshot them all and kept in a file) that were so nasty and so vulgar it would make your grandma's knickers fly off.


she called me the c word many times. which doesn't bother me much, because i know i am not. she would post things about me on a daily basis trying to rally up everyone against me. she succeeded.


meanwhile she and my exfiance were going through a court custody battle over their little daughter. things got worse with his ex when the daughter started to call me mom.


why wouldnt this little one call me mom? i love children, i took her in as my own. her mom left her, barely paid attention to her. the little girl would come home with HORROR stories about what happened at her mom's house; ie. telling her to put her hands in private places and smell it, her mom grabbed her around the throat, just to name a few. she would also talk about how her mom never played with her and sat on the computer all day. when we would get her from her mom's house, she would hit her mom in the face. she would be so dirty, tired and unfed.


mind you, my exfiance had videotapes of the mother watching the little girl at their house. the mother was smoking pot, blowing it in her face falling asleep while the little girl climbed up all over the place. basically, mom had/has no concern. he tried submitting them in the court room, but the mother said she never received them at her house. so they were inadmissable.


at the times when she was ridiculing me online (and still is) i retaliated slightly by reminding her of her duties as a parent. this is the problem.


now, that i am gone i have been the victim of ridicule for *both* of these people. i get emails from him saying he has never loved me and she sends me emails blaming me for all of her and my exfiance problems. she states i never cared or took care of her daughter. that all i did was screw with this little girls head.


like i said, i took this little one as my own (i dont have any children) bathed her, fed her, stayed home from work for weeks while she was ill, clothed her, you name it, i was it.


she is seriously bitter for me retaliating against her. by reminding her of her parental obligations. i got a return email from this woman, months ago telling me that I WAS obligated to take care of her child, to do things for her and so forth.


when the relationship ended, i sent her an email, letting her know that i had been abused just as she had by the father. she got SO mad at me.


i dont know what to do. this man is letting women in and out of his life, beating on them. the mother and dad are both alcoholic drug addicts and i fear for the little girls well being/health/safety/teenage development. in fact it is the only reason i stayed so long.


the mother said it is no longer my concern, but now i am a concerned citizen; i know what *really* went on and i am concerned more than ever.


i just dont know what to do. i contacted dhs, but they wont do anything.

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If you contacted DHS and they will do nothing then you have done all you can. The problem is that because you had a relationship with him that ended badly it looks as if you are acting out of spite and revenge. Particularly since you did not report it when you were with him.

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actually, i did report it when i was with him.

let me ask you, if you were in an abusive situation, you might have spite. especially if you just spent 2 whole years trying to take care of an innocent child, correct?


we did it together. before the relationship ended. like 1 year before.


so what now?

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actually, i did report it when i was with him.

let me ask you, if you were in an abusive situation, you might have spite. especially if you just spent 2 whole years trying to take care of an innocent child, correct?


we did it together. before the relationship ended. like 1 year before.


so what now?


As I said in my reply to your pm - I am saying that dhs probably viewed in in that way and that is why they declined to pursue the matter further.


I am sorry that you were abused and I am sure you have concern for the child. But if dhs refuse to take intervene after two complaints by you - what more can you so?


I suppose you might try consulting a lawyer specialising in these matters but that could be expensive unless you could persuade her/him to do it pro-bono.

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i commend you for writing a note to her in as peaceful as a manner as you knew how.


she is bitter because she has to take care of her daughter now. she is bitter because she has to actually pay for things for her. WOW! she actually has to be a mom for once


unfortunately the protection for children isnt as predominant as it should be out there.


i would keep your eyes peeled and your ears completely clean though.


im happy that you worry about her, most people just let things be out of ignorance.

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