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Too hungry to lose weight?

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Hi everyone!


I've been trying diligently to lose weight and have lost about 7 pounds in the past month. The problem is, breakfast seems to be the only meal that fills me up, no matter what I eat for lunch or supper. My usual breakfast is a high fiber cereal with lots of flax seed (hello, omega-3s!), a banana, and some fresh-squeezed orange juice. Lunch can range from leftovers to a sandwhich to some soup or vegan chili (my favorite). Supper is, without fail, something with tons and tons of vegetables and occasionally I'll throw some shrimp or fish in there. Last night, I made baked fish with a mixture of onions, celery, bell peppers, chili peppers, garlic, leeks, fresh corn, and lemon. (yeah, it was delicious.) That's pretty typical of my average supper - I bulk up like a crazy person with tons of vegetables. Generally no bread or pasta. So why am I usually hungry less than an hour later?


Also, I usually go to the gym at around 7, home by 8:30. I'm not always at the gym that long, I just sometimes do errands before or after the gym. What should I eat after I go to the gym, considering that I go to bed between 10:30 and 11? I've always heard that when trying to lose weight, it's best to not eat 3 hours before bedtime.


Any advice is very much appreciated!

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That best not to eat 3 hours before...is mostly so people don't overeat or eat out of boredom. As long as you are watching your intake, it won't matter so much. I am quite active (work out 2x a day most days with weights, lots of cycling, running and yoga) and eat ice cream almost right before bed almost every night and am in great shape.


I think you should add some whole grains at night - wild rice, wheat pasta, or 7-grain breads. You do need some carbs to give you energy and feed the muscles you work out. They also take longer to digest and fill your tummy better.


It might also be you are not eating ENOUGH. If you workout at night, it spikes your metabolism a bit, so it can increase your appetite if you don't eat properly.


I'd say that should have a couple small snacks during the day - to keep metabolism even, and not "starving" at night. Just make sure total calories are still within line with what you should be eating. A yogurt and a bit of granola before the gym for example, a granola bar and apple right after the gym. Or if you are doing weights, or something hard on muscles - whey protein shake/smoothie. Your body DOES need fuel after a hard workout or it starves itself.

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Cut out the orange juice, or all juices for that matter. Drink water only, and maybe some lowfat/nonfat milk (preferably, soymilk).


Your diet sounds good to me. Personally, I go with 3 meals a day with 2 snacks in between meals.


When trying to shed pounds, getting your heartrate up is most important. This means cardio, cardio, cardio. Running on a treadmill is boring, so get involved in a class or sport if possible. If that's not possible, mix it up - run a mile, bike a mile, and swim. Then, next time do the elipse machine, aerobics, then go for a walk to cool down. You can mix it up to add variety so it's not so boring. I find strapping my ipod while working out is excellent entertainment. Because let's face it - working out is boring, but the benefits far outweigh the cost of it being boring. So, mix it up and have fun.


Forgot to add one important thing: look for foods that are low on the glycemic index. If you're not familiar with it, check out link removed Look for foods that have a low G.I. rating, as these foods will keep you more full for a longer period of time because produce gradual rises in your blood sugar levels and digest slower in your body.

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Cut out the orange juice, or all juices for that matter. Drink water only, and maybe some lowfat/nonfat milk (preferably, soymilk).



The only thing I disagree with in Chai's post is this...if you were drinking bought juice thats one thing, but it appears you squeeze your own..as long as you retain the pulp and fibres or add sugar, its okay once in a while..unless you are drinking gallons. My guess is Chai said to cut it out due to sugars, and calories...which would make sense...just monitor how much you actually drink. It does have great Vitamin C levels which are good for you, and fibre if you keep the pulp. Just don't overdo it. Or just eat a regular orange and no juice


Also, I would go for lowfat/non fat over soy milk as a female...studies show that 83% of the calcium in soymilk (fortified) sticks to the bottom of the container no matter HOW much you shake it, and so you do not get the required calcium. I do agree that swapping your juice for milk a few days a week is a good idea though...calcium is very important, and low fat dairy consumption even shows that you do not hold weight on your stomach area as much.


I also disagree that working out is boring..but that's just me If you have goals, or find things you enjoy doing, its not boring at all. Of course....I also think riding 100 km on my road bike or hitting the trails on my mountain bike for hours is terribly fun And lifting weights makes me feel like WonderWoman. All depends on your attitude, focus, and how you approach your working out. If you can incorporate it into a lifestyle, or find a goal (like a triathlon) it helps!

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I disagree with RayKay disagreeing with me, because I don't like disagreements. (joke).


The reason I said cut out the OJ (take a daily vitamin instead) is because I have a friend who chugs OJ like there's no tomorrow. He thinks this is healthy. How many calories does a serving of store-bought OJ have in it? About 110, depending on which brand you buy. That's 110 unnecessary calories, especially if you're trying to lose weight.

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I disagree with RayKay disagreeing with me, because I don't like disagreements. (joke).


The reason I said cut out the OJ (take a daily vitamin instead) is because I have a friend who chugs OJ like there's no tomorrow. He thinks this is healthy. How many calories does a serving of store-bought OJ have in it? About 110, depending on which brand you buy. That's 110 unnecessary calories, especially if you're trying to lose weight.


I disagree with Chai in his disagreement because well....where was I?


Which is why I said limit it, if she is only squeezing (fresh) a couple oranges to get her juice, no added sugars, it is far different then your friend who drinks it like no tomorrow. Liquid calories count too....which some people forget! And yes, that means beer, wine and martinis too! (Note...fancy "girly" martinis are caloric-bombs). Now and then I drink juice too, I just keep it at a serving (ie not a "glass" but an actual 3/4 cup or whatever it is).


There is dispute over how much you absorb with vitamins....so should not be relied on alone

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RayKay - in that corner... Chai - in that corner...


I do actually squeeze my own orange juice (well, a machine technically squeezes it for me) because it just tastes incredibly good. I don't drink it like it's no tomorrow, I maybe drink 6 ounces in the morning. I really love orange juice and love it as part of my breakfast. I don't drink anything else sugary during the day, if I have a soda, it's one per day and it's diet. I drink a metric ton of water during the day too. I do take a multi-vitamin, a calcium supplement, and a few other supplements to boost my fertility as I'm trying to conceive.


As far as snacks, I usually go with some almonds, cottage cheese, a peach, some celery with cream cheese, over a huge bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with maraschino cherries, hot fudge, peanuts, and whipped cream. I can't see where any of those would be a problem.


But seriously folks... what do you eat after you're done at the gym? My husband tends to eat some peanut butter, but that's pretty high in calories.


And exercise is never boring at my gym - there's a TV on every cardio machine!


Thank you both for your advice, you've been very helpful [/b]

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It's okay Paisley, Chai and I are friends We really don't dislike one another that much.


6 ounces of fresh orange juice squeezed is fine. When I was in Cuba, there was this "juice guy" who's job at breakfast was to make tons of juice with a juicing machine - very cool. And juice was popular. And he was pretty darn cute...so I'd ALWAYS have a glass


After a workout...an apple and a TBSP of peanut butter is a great small snack - protein, carbs good for refueling. I like a glass of chocolate milk as it has perfect ration of carbs-protein or a whey protein shake (1 scoop protein, 1 cup low fat milk, shake...ta da!). A cup of yogurt with some blueberries, or a couple TBSP's of granola, a small bowl of oatmeal with raisins & honey...etc.


Cottage cheese, fruits, vegs, all great pics for snacks, even after a workout!

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It's okay Paisley, Chai and I are friends We really don't dislike one another that much.


I figured.


Apples and peanut butter... such a childhood favorite, but it sounds SO GOOD. Thanks for the suggestion!


Try and get natural PB, if you can. Sure you have to mix it up a lot since it separates, but not all the added sugar...just the protein...and good for you fats too in the natural stuff


Just limit it to a TBSP or so, enough to get some of the good stuff, without too many excess cals.

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Take note.....Your breakfast with the flax seed has natural fats! Fat is what keeps you feeling full! Carbs will make you crash, and veggies just dont have staying power.


Great snack between meals is hardboiled eggs!


The PB someone suggested will give you the fat as well, just be careful of the calories. Snack on raw almonds, string cheese..... Eat every 2-3 hours. Small meals, more often.



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Take note.....Your breakfast with the flax seed has natural fats! Fat is what keeps you feeling full! Carbs will make you crash, and veggies just dont have staying power.


Great snack between meals is hardboiled eggs!




Simple carbs will make you crash after a point (but have their place...in endurance events I NEED simple carb hits every 30-60 minutes to keep going/racing...they are easily digested and a quick hit when you need it). Complex carbs are essential fuel to refuel muscles you break down, as well as ESSENTIAL for your brain power. No carbs, your thinking ability suffers, and focus. I agree on everything else though.

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For the most part, it sounds like you know something about nutrition so I wouldn't worry. Generally speaking, I tell everyone: no fried foods, drink water and a little milk. No ranch dressing, eat salads with oil/vinegar if you must put something on your salads. No fast food period. Feel free to cheat once in a while and drink a soda, eat a piece of cake, or have some french fries (we're human, afterall).


In addition to the nutritious lifestyle you're currently living, just move your a-double s and you'll be fine (cardio). The reason i say it's boring working out on a treadmill is because it is. Running in place is not my definition of fun - I'd rather run after a soccerball, basketball, or football anyday. Anyhow, you get the idea. I'm sure your weight will come right off with the way you're eating now. Since you're trying to conceive, your active sex life burns calories too although you probably don't realize it. (insert laughing emoticon here).

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Thanks chai - I really have tried and made tremendous strides from where I was 3 years ago. My blood sugar at one point was in the 380 range ! Tap a vein, get syrup! After lots of hard work, I now keep it generally right around 100. It has taken a LONG time to get into more healthy eating habits, but I've gotta get off my a-double-s a lot more often.


No fried foods? That ain't easy for a Southern girl! Like you said, I have to cheat every once in a while and I keep it down to once a week, since telling myself I can have a hushpuppy on Friday keeps me away from having 6 today. It also usually keeps me from having 6 on Friday, as strange as that is!


Thank you all so much for all your support. It's been very helpful!

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  • 1 year later...

With regard to the original posters situation...


I realize what works for one doesn't always work for another, but I will give a few suggestions for how to avoid hunger. These have all helped me.


1) Count calories. You can load some of them at night if you are hungriest then. The largest determinant of weight loss is how much of a caloric deficit you have.


2) You can increase calories and activity level proportionately to maintain your desired weight loss.


3) I don't recommend this but many bodybuilders use a combination of Ephedrine and Caffeine during the day (all over the counter) and nicotine gum at night to control cravings. The combination is good from my personal experience but not without some measure of risk.


4) Protein is the most filling macronutrient so, consume as much as is reasonable given your caloric bounds. Get at least 1 gram per pound lean body mass. I recommend 1.5 to spare muslce tissue.


5) Milk the weight training for all it is worth sans overtraining. I had the most success when I combined weight training with about an hour moderate pace on the elliptical 5x per week. Weight training 2-4 times per week for ME


6) You can drink diet soda. The carbonation helps fill the stomach and control cravings. Sugar free gum can be friend or foe depending on whether it gives you too many cravings.


7) You may need a break from dieting and to eat at maintenance for a week at least once every 6-8 weeks of dieting.


8 ) In general, to control cravings mentally, you can make a list of activities (not just physical activities) and pick the most appealing activity when you get the urge to eat way too much or the wrong things.

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How do you control cravings? I have especially great cravings for anything baked from cuban bread or any type of bread for that matter to cakes to pies to pastires!! I want to get in better shape but eating and cravings have always been a problem for me..


Keeping problem foods out of your house entirely is one way to do it. Have only what you want in the house so that you don't have the option to eat things that are not on your diet. Nighttime cravings (see my above post or others from other posters).


Also plan to consume those foods specifically whenever you decide to have a cheat meal or to eat at maintenance awhile to reset your metabolism. Bread is one of the worst offenders and a tough food to steer clear from. Eat protein first in your meal. Fill up on it and veggies (this works most of the time). You won't have much room left for bread.


If you have sweets cravings splenda can be used to make lots of things and berries are your best bet if you just want to eat a lot of fruit. Mostly water and few calories. Apples also rock. Juices like orange juice have a high concentration of sugar and aren't as filling. So I tend to avoid juices altogether when dieting unless they are calorie free somehow.

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THanks for your reply, the problem is that I live with my family and they all eat junk food so it's pretty hard to be on a diet around here. Everytime I pass by the kitchen I have to see the chocolate chip cookies, the potatoes chips, the bread all that and its so tempting that sometimes I just give in. WHat do i do then?

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