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Me and my girlfriend want to get a lot closer and everything. But I haven't really been a greatboyfriend and have just been more of a friend but we are trying to work everything out. I wanta know how to be a good boyfriend and to show her I care about her and that we have something there more than just friendship.

EDIT: she is my first girlfriend also by the way so I don't have experience

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Tell her that she's your first girlfriend (if she doesn't already know).

Tell her that you're nervous, and don't know what to do.

Tell her that you care about her, and would like to get closer.

Being honest is the most attractive thing to a woman (and sometimes for men too).

Be yourself, and things will flow naturally. Just don't rush, or be afraid.

It's OK to be shy - false confidence is one of the biggest turn offs.

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I have talked to her about and told her that I really wanta fix everything but I haven't even been in this situation so I don't really know what to do. Kissing her won't solve it all though. We both really like each other but I don't know how to get over the shyness and be able to call her all the time or hold her. I overthink everything.

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It's completely fine that you overthink everything everyone does when it comes to relationships and dating. Get over your shyness....hmmm. Not really sure there, I got over mine by just getting a confidence boost everytime a girl would look at me lol, I got over my shyness pretty quick. I really don't know how to do it yourself. Some girls think being shy is cute so, it isn't all that bad to have. You just can't be an introvert that like never talks to girls lol.

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Overthinking things can bog you down. Don't kiss her if you're not ready to. Let the relationship develop at its own pace and don't puch it because that might be bad. Give her some roses unexpected perhaps. Tell her that you're new to this kind of thing. There's no playbook for these matters of the heart. if you and she both like each other more than friends and know this, than that's all you need. Things will happen in time.



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Oh yeah and you DON'T want to call her all the time that's only going to scare her away, the more times you do it. She will get bored of you if you do that. Holding her is alright though, depending on how long the relationship has been going on you might not want to hold her just yet. Holding hands might be acceptable.

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Oh yeah and you DON'T want to call her all the time that's only going to scare her away, the more times you do it. She will get bored of you if you do that. Holding her is alright though, depending on how long the relationship has been going on you might not want to hold her just yet. Holding hands might be acceptable.


It has been like 5 months which is the bad part. Because after that long and I still feel shy around her sometimes. No but everytime I go to make a move I always overthink and stop. I just want to be more of a boyfriend to her and not just a friend but I don't know how to do that??

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man, just be honest with her about how you feel. Tell her you have never been in a relationship, and it is something you would like to experiment. Ask her out for dinner or something. Also, the most honest you are with her, the easier you will find it to talk as time goes by. Dont rush into things, just let the flow take you.

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just try not to think about anything when your with her and look into her eyes....girls really like it when the guy they like look at her right in the eye and just slowly put your hands around her and when your walking together then just grab her hand because im a girl and well at first its really cute that a guy is super shy but then it starts to get really iritating soo when your with her just dont think of anything just of her and when you feel like hugging her and kissing her do ti because she wont reject you,,,talk to her will also really help tell her how you feel and that you really care about her and when your talking to her look at her in the eyes...

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