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Confused and then not

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In all my realtionships i have had i am really happy at some points and really in love and at other points im not sure if i love them and i am really confused. It happens in every single one. IT is nothing they do it is jsut me. And i'd really like it to stop happening in my current relationship, cuz i would love to just be happy and stop worrying. any adivce?

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My understanding from what I've hear and seen is that there are highs ad lows in all relationships. As you get to know a person better and spend more time with them, you begin to notice things you didn't see when you were first drawn to that person. Nobody is perfect and although people may go through a period in their relationships where they love each other to death, each of has our unique traits which can prove to be bothersome. The key is making sure you really feel something for the person you get into a relationship and understand that being in a relationship means accepting a person for all they are, with all their perks and all their flaws.



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