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She wont leave my flat.. so i have to resort to this..

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i really need someone to talk to.. me & my g/f have been going out for 2yrs now.. we never really got on great.. my feelings changed towards her cause she use to ignore my 8year old son & she never really got on with him & that hurt me real bad i think me wanting to split up with her was a big part of it.. Anyway i splitt up with her about 4mths ago now.. but she wont leave my flat This makes me so angry cause she wont leave.. im so frustrated & angry right now its unreal.. .. one of my friends know of my * now ex * & says that she lies & that she finds girls with a flat so that she can stAy there & gives this bizarre reason that her dad beats her up !! i know how F*** up is that !! so now im going to throw her stuff out on the doorstop 15mins befor she is due home... i dont want to do this.. but she wont leave & at the end of the day i dont want to be with her anymore... simple as that... im looking forward to her going.. but worried how she will react.. hopefully she wont start.. she best not cause i have an 8year old son & i definitly dont want to get the police involved. but if i have to then so be it.. i do feel bad though.. But i know i will be happy once she is out of my life for good !! [/b]

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Toss it! One question that comes to mind is, "why does she want to stay where she is unwanted?" If you have indeed told her to leave, and she hasn't, than you have grounds for putting her and her shit out...months after the relationship.


(am I mean for giggling to myself as I type this? Its kind of funny)

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