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Nothing left to fix--mind vs. heart

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Everything in my mind tells me that there's nothing left to fix. The love is already tainted, it's old news, things have changed, and I know that he is no longer the guy for me.


My heart used to fight back by FEELING that there's more love towards him. But everytime I start feeling that way, my mind thinks "You just love the memories and what USED TO BE" or "In the end, it's never going to work out"


People always say "listen to your heart" but my heart is tired of arguing and defending itself. It can't give reasons and there's no logic to the way it feels.


I feel defeated, helpless and stuck.

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i can feel what you are saying bec iam in the same situation.. whenever my heart tells me this girl likes you, my mind tells me no she dont like you and everything she did means she dont like you..


anyways, i think just follow ur heart.. however i cant follow this advice but iam trying.. iam torn between my heart and my mind and everyone is pulling me in opposite way.. i will follow my heart.. i have nothing better to do.. i know i could get hurt by this but that is life..


it worth a try i think so right ? so i have to believe my heart i have no other choice.. you should trust ur heart also.. so if things didnt work and i hope they work well, you would learn.. but i hope from GOD he would help you and help me.. so let us both follow our hearts and see what happens next

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While getting over my ex, if i followed my heart id be all messed up still. Hell, if right now i 'followed my heart' id call her up and try to make everything cool.


The heart is cool, but it doesnt know anything. Use your mind to place your heart into good situations. For me, even though my heart will always feel a love and desire for my ex, i am making my mind put my heart into a new women. Sooner or later my heart will forget about the old girl. The heart is an awesome tool. It makes us feel beautiful, but at the same time it makes us feel like crap. The mind needs to help out the heart everynow and then.

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Actually in THIS case...it's not the heart or the mind you should listen to...you should follow your GUT. Thats what's many people often confuse with the heart. That burning sensation in your gut is what is telling you

something doesn't feel right. It's not from the chili you ate last night!

Pay attention to your gut, it is usually RIGHT....

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however it depends on the case , but sometimes the heart see what the mind cant see.. i dont know ur situation exactly.. but it depends on how you feel..


in my situation as i said i will follow my heart.. and i know i could get hurt but the only way to find out whether the heart or the mind is right is to continue and not to give up... if i got hurt then i will cry , i will be sad and i will learn new stuff.. if everything happened great i will be happy , smile and i will learn new stuff too..


i already got hurt but still my heart tells me there must be a way , there must be something i dont see.. and over all, ask GOD to help you..


Believe me he wont let you down and lead you to the wrong way. NEVER !

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I totally agree with HajiMaji...and having the same problem myself. It's as though our hearts are children, and want our exes back, even if it would not be best for us. Our heads have to be the parent, and keep reminding us that the relationship was not the right one for us. No matter how good is was, that is the key word -- WAS. In a good relationship, the ones we love wouldn't abandon us. If only the heart would wise up and get with the program, it wouldn't hurt so bad!! I loved the comment about the toe! Though in my case if I listened to the toe, it would not be good. The toe is very angry, and would like to kick the ex in the slats!

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Everything in my mind tells me that there's nothing left to fix. The love is already tainted, it's old news, things have changed, and I know that he is no longer the guy for me.


My heart used to fight back by FEELING that there's more love towards him. But everytime I start feeling that way, my mind thinks "You just love the memories and what USED TO BE" or "In the end, it's never going to work out"


People always say "listen to your heart" but my heart is tired of arguing and defending itself. It can't give reasons and there's no logic to the way it feels.


I feel defeated, helpless and stuck.




I can't give you any advice because what you have posted so eloquently is exactly my feelings. It's HARD to mend a broken heart. It's one of the hardest things we'll ever have to accomplish.

I played the best round of golf ever last week. I'm optomistic about starting a new business soon. I have loving kids from a previous marriage. I have good health. But I am going thru a very dark time because who I thought was the "ONE", the soulmate, the lover, the best friend has rejected my love. We were engaged to be married.

What can we do? Pine away forever? No. Move on.

It is so difficult. But if they chose to separate themselves from our life, why should we want them back? Because we still love them. And maybe we always will. But there's no other choice but to move forward in our everyday lives. Someday the right person will come along. It may be the ex after all, who knows but God? I know that pleading and bargaining and contact will more than likely permanently shut the door to any future possibility of a reconcilliation with our exes. Let it be. Focus on YOU!

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i agree that if someone left you and not talking to u anymore.. you should forget him and leave him too..


but whose to say the heart dont see and dont know..


nooo the heart can see.. the heart can know.. for example when someone is telling u good stuff but u feel that he is cheating. ur heart tells u soo. and u found out that he is cheating.. who knew in this case ur mind or ur heart ??


the heart doesnt always mean feelings. but it is combined with common sense and experience.. Also when someone say follow ur heart it doesnt mean forget the mind.. but God gave u both.. to use both.. together.. if u r torn apart u can lean to one side but dont forget the other too..

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