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im 15, the girl i like is 14, we will be going to the same school in the fall but her parents are really protective...im pretty sure she likes me, but when i ask her to be my girfriend, how can i make it like extra special so that it will be something she will always remember? i want a special way to ask her out for a really special person

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Firstly, there should be more guys like you! lol! But yeah, special eh? hmm, lets think.. okay, do you live near a beach or anywhere really magical to walk etc..? Because, i think the nicest thing would be for you to ask her if she would like to go for a walk to a lookout or somewhere nice, that way you are together and have to talk and you get to know each other. and hopefully, sometime during this walk you can ask her out or something like that Personaly i think kissing her would be so much more romantic!

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Unforgetable way to ask her out? Hmm... Well What I would do, is buy her a book or something she loves and you know she will read. And every 10 pages say something like how special she is. then again how much you would love to get to know her better. and at the end, ask her on a date that way. Its romantic, unforgetable, and good for shy guys!

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After reading a very long topic last night about a girl younger than you with.. different intentions at your age; it's nice to see that there is still some sensible teens out there!


And to your question. I think you should take her out somewhere nice, a nice park maybe, then get to talking. If it's cold, give her your jacket. Just be nice, caring and sweet.


When the times right; give her a kiss. Actions speak louder than words!

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Send her a red rose with a card asking her. It's a very romantic gesture. When her parents see it they'll realise that you respect her and are not after just 'one thing'.


She'll think it's great because most girls want a knight in shining armour. This is the next best thing.


She'll remember you for the rest of her life!


Let me know how you get on.


Good luck.

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Now, I thought you were going to wait unitl school started. But if not then I like the idea that Tigris had. Did you ever end up at Great America? Remember, I told you before, regarding her parents, if you respect their daughter, they will be much more inclined to respect you.

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i think i will wait until school starts but its still good for me to plan this out earlier i guess, as for what you thought before, i live in fremont, california not santa clara, and we did go to great america. another thing is i gave her the first real hug from a guy she ever had. she said she danced with other guys at dances and stuff before but never let any other guy give her a hug so that made me happy. also...i guess im sorta shy around her, out of all my friends by far im the most outgoing but around her i tend to be a little shy..well not as much anymore but i guess for a while i was, she told me she likes sunsets and beaches but there is one thing i have to say about her parents, they by far are the most protective parents ive ever heard about, they took away her instand messanger so that she couldnt talk to guys..and thought that was like wow! so the chances of being able to get to a beach with her with just us two is really small but i really want to give her the sunset but i dont know where would be a good place.

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You are so sweet and it's VERY refreshing to see a respectful young man!!! I have a good friend of mine that lives in Fremont! I think you are wise to plan it out ahead of time. It's always a good idea to be prepared. As for the sunset........ do you guys have any nice parks nearby? Because maybe you could plan a sunset picnic, if her parents approve. Don't worry too much about the parents, as they get to know you more, they will more than likely lighten up. As a parent myself, I understand their concerns. I don't know as if I would have pulled her IM, I guess I would have to know the whole story behind their decision. Anyway, it sounds like you are planning a very special date for her. That's great that you were her first real hug. You will become less shy as time goes by. I'd take a bit of shyness over arrogance ANY day. Just takes things slow and have a wonderful time!!

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also, how am i going to get her to this perfect place..should her mom or dad drop her off there..or should i walk there with her, i think the biggest problem still is her parents because, out of every protective parent ive ever heard about hers by far is the most protective so i guess the biggest problem is finding a way to be with her in a scenaric place at the time of a sunset..any advice?

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Have a talk with her parents about what you want to plan for her. I think if they can see that you are sincere and a respectable kid they will feel more comfortable letting her go out with you.


As for getting there, if you are close enough to walk that would be nice, otherwise you'll need to get a ride from someone her parents approve of.

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im not so sure telling her parents is the best thing because well in my opinion they do some really insane things.. last i heard she got in trouble for brushing her teeth too loudly so her mom hit her several times.. so from knowing that me and all of my friends know that her mom is pretty unfair (and she says her dad is worse) so i really dont know what to do

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brushing teeth too loudly?! her parents are screwed up.


you could walk along a beach, and talk, and at the right moment, stop walking, stand still facing her, lean in to her and say "give me some sugar, baby". if you pull that off, i will give you mad props.

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Wow!!!! Well then, bear in mind that they may not let her go with you at all. They sound like VERY abusive people. I mean my God, I don't believe in hitting children period, but because she was brushing her teeth too loud!! I don't know what to tell you then. They may insist on knowing everything and then you really won't have a choice because I don't think lying to them (not saying you would),even a little one, would be a good idea. Good luck to you and let us know how it turns out!!

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well i can still see her just im not sure by herself, she would probally be with friends..since she is a year younger i dont know any of her friends either.. so im a little bit quieter and alot less likely to ask her around her friends since its just not really the same, i mean..from how her parents are it seems like i have only a few choices, one is while she walks home ask her out (so i might be able to get her by herself) but there would be no really scenaric thing or sunset, wait and try to get her to see the sunset but she would be around her friends which i forgot to mention constantly tease her about me(same thing about my friends) , or she could sneak out and then have scenaric place and sunset..but i dont really want her to sneak out. help what should i do

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Boy you are between a rock and a hard place!! Why are your friends teasing you??? Definitely don't have her sneak out!! Given what you've said about her folks, that could have some pretty serious consequences for her is she gets smacked for simply brushing her teeth. She's not going to be able to go out with you wihtout her parents permission anyway, so are you sure you don't just want to bite the bullet and ask them if you can take her out? It's a tough situation where her folks are so strict. I can't imagine being so tyrannical about it, geez!! Worse comes to worse, I guess you'll have to do it when you walk home from school. I know you want it to be special for her, but I think she will appreciate it no matter where you ask her.

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well its not like mean teasing we both know that our friends teasing us is just playful fun for them it just makes things a lil more awkward, should i have her friends be around and ask her at like a park or something or should i ask her alone on our way back from school..it seems like those two seem to be my only options unless someone can suggest a better alternative

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Oh, that kind of teasing, lol! It can be a little embarrassing, but don't let it get to you.


Anyway, I think asking her out is a privte thing and you should ask her when you guys are alone. I really hope that things work out for you. You seem like a genuinely nice boy!

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