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Why would he do that???

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Ok...there is this guy that i like..we exchanged phone numbers....i found out from a guy that knows him. He told me he has a girlfriend and thought that i just wanted someone to talk to. Well the last two times i have talked to him.. he asked me if i was single, and told me for a 14 year old i am really sexy. What should i do i am so confused..i am real new to this datin stuff

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You are sooooooo young!! How old is this guy? If your parents are going to allow you to date, I would keep it really casual. You don't want to get in over your head. If he has a girlfriend, don't get involved. It's not fair to any of you. Find a nice guy who is single. Remember, some guys will use all kinds of flattery to try to get what they want, so watch yourself!

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If you want some dating advice, stay away from the confusing guys, like this one. Especially when they have a girlfriend and are still flirting with you and saying things like that. Basically, if you did end up dating him, how could you know if he wasn't off doing the same thing with another girl?


This guy is a creep. If he's telling you that you are sexy and stuff, then that's more than "just someone to talk to". If he thought that you just wanted somene to talk to, then he wouldn't have a need to tell you this stuff, especially if he has a girlfriend. Of course you are confused, I don't blame you.

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just like all the schmucks that hung around my town after they graduated and had sex with high school girls... one being my girlfriend... get away from these sicko's and stop stunting your poor little boy classmates ability to be with girls their own age, why do you think things are the way they are?

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