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Friend or Flirt?

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My friend asked me to teach her how to surf, but when I go with her, she plays like she is so helpless. I think she does it so that she can get attention. The worst thing is the guy who always comes to her rescue is my crush. Then they just sit there flirting and talking. He used to hang with me until she came on the scene. Yes, I'm jealous and I feel totally left out. What do you think I should do? Dump her as a friend? Just stop going surfing with her?

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i dont think you should lose a friend bec of a guy..if he is not giving you attention, dont worry.. be yourself and dont try to get his attention by doing things u wouldnt normally do..


its normal to feel jealous.. bec you like this guy.. and i wont tell you try to remove this feeling bec it is a normal feeling. but dont let it drive you to do bad things and bad ideas to come into ur head.. just be calm and if things would happen it will happen in the goodtime.. or you can tell him ur feelings if u feel that u r ready to do so.. if u find it difficult now, then i would suggest you stay calm and not to lose anyone..

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Welcome Root! Ugh. If she's pretending to be helpless, it sounds like she's not really there for your surf lessons anymore. You don't owe her anything especially since she's "dropping in" on your crush. But I wouldn't dump her as a friend until you guys have the "talk." Tell her how everything she's done makes you feel. Don't be accusatory. Just be matter of fact. (i.e. When you do 'x', it makes me feel 'y'.) Try to work things out. If she's really a good friend, she'll understand and choose your friendship over surfer boy. And if not? Well looks like class is over.


As for the surfer boy, it sounds like it might be time to catch a new wave...

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