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I'm in love with her and she's my friend

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I will try my best to give you some help from the short description given. This could go two ways. One would be if she just wants to be friends, it may scare her if she new your actual feelings for her. The other may be that she actually feels the same way and you do not know it. I am know expert in this area, but it happened to me years ago. Same situation as yours and I ask my best friend (girl) out on a date and she said she wondered why it took me so long. I thought at the time I was taking a big chance on this but it worked out. Well all I have to say is since you know her better than I, what are you gut feelings about this? You will never know unless you try. You could also slowly try little things such as holding her hand every once in a while, hugging her with a nice soft pat on the back, tell her from time to time she looks very attractive, and slowly spend more and more time with her. Make sure you always dress nicely while you are with her and of course use her favorite mens cologne (find this out in a normal conversation and use it without telling her). While talking to her make eye contact. Of course if you drive her anywhere always open the door for her. If you both are out together with other friends they may start saying you guys would make a great couple. This happened to me and I looked at my friend in the eyes and smiled and said we probably would. We started dating after that night. Just little hints from my experience such as these may help. As I stated earlier it could go either way. But popping the question to fast without little signs may be a surprise for her. Who knows she may even have posted a similar question about you on another advice board. Let me know.

Good luck


PS - My current situation is messed up. This is from my past experience which worked for me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If shes your friend then u r going in the right direction. i say dont rush a relationship that has a 50% chanse of a broken heart, easy going does the trick.I personally dont have any expirence in the relation department but i have seen enough fail to no what Im talking about. you should slowly work your way up from the level of just a friend to more than just a friend. Being as this is the 1st time ive helped someone with a releationship i want to no how it turns out my AIM s/n is TheViper7719

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't be so quick to jump into a relationship with your friend. This girl was my best friend during college and then her and I moved into an apartment together. I think I pushed the issue because I wanted her so bad, and I think she more or less just decided to go along with it.

I had been going with this girl for over 2 years when I found out she was cheating on me for 1 of those years. Revenge and anger were my first thoughts. I started following her and I hired a private investigater, I was renting movies like Fatal Attraction , I was headed towards stalker-ville.

But I got some help and I'm finally over it. Maybe that was all a bit tangental, but my point is, if you're not sure then don't rush it. It could cause you and her a lot of extra stress and it's better to just take your time and see how the relationship develops.

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