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hey everyone, i have a question. Im sure its been asked a thousand times in the past but, im asking it anyways.


Ok, Do girls think that cars are attractive? If a guy rolled by in a nice or fast car does that really draw as much of attention as its made out to be.


plz be honest.

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If I saw a sports car I'd definitely look at you more than twice!


A bright red will attract attention more. A soft top is good too. Girls like the wind blowing in their hair.


My favourites the Lotus Esprit (James Bond 007 The Spy Who Loved Me) but I'd prefer it in red!


Don't forget it's great seeing the car but it's a let down if the guy doesn't live up to your expectations. Dress the part as well!


Hope this helps.

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I could care less, I could care less if they even have a car at all.


I have dated guys that had nice new cars, old small cars, and ones who used their bicycle to get around.


When I met my live-in boyfriend, he owned a 1991 Sprint which was falling apart..he had built a cruise control out of a lawnmower Who cared, I am with him for HIM, not his car!


We have however since "upgraded" to a truck in order to carry all out equipment/bike for bike races, canoe trips and be a support vehicle in adventure racing.

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I mentioned earlier that I like sports cars, however, I've never had a boyfriend or a husband who's had one. I suppose that's because my father had an Austin Healey 3000, MG and an MGB at different times during my childhood.


Another thing. Just because you have a car like this doesn't mean you have lots of money! I'd rather have a car that can get me from A to B in one piece. Sports cars cost too much to run. Tyres cost a bomb!


Buy what you want but remember a girl would far rather go out for a romantic meal and stay overnight in a hotel than just 'make out' in a sports car.

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Do girls think that cars are attractive?


Having a decent car can't hurt you. Having a jalopy CAN hurt you though. So, to answer your question . . women like nice cars, but having a nice car shouldn't be part of your game - it's merely an attention getter

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Personally if do or dont have car shouldnt be an issue. Neither should what type of car I drive. The way I am treated now driving an 88 ford falcon with a big [edited] dent in the rear wheel arch (thanx to my brother shouldnt change once I get my new car...which is a 76 Torana witha supercharger hanging out the bonnet. I don't get it for compensation or to show off...I get it because I like that sort of car, and I don't want my personality judged on my vehicular preference.

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My first long term boyfriend (around '96) had an 82 chevette that you could hear coming from a mile away and had trouble hitting 60mph. I've dated guys with and without cars, another ex had a Nissan Stanza that was largely held together with duct tape.


My current boyfriend has a Civic and I probably enjoy driving with him best, but it has nothing to do with the car. It's the fact that he keeps it clean and is an excellent driver.

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My first serious boyfriend: No car OR license. He did have a 'monthly' bus pass though.


Ex-boyfriend (of 2 years): No car OR LICENCE!


Current boyfriend (of 2 years/ 3 months): 1992 Pontiac Sunbird - TURQUOISE - with rust all over the bottoms of the doors, a muffler attached with a clothesline and some electrical tape, a door that doesn't open, no air conditioning, scratch marks from my boyfriend and his friends skateboarding on the hood and an indestructible bumper sticker from the previous owner that says "Yves Boily Auto". Oh yeah, and I guess I should mention that the passenger's side handle was hanging half-off the door for six months before he fixed it, and that his car has been nicknamed "the sweetbox".


We're both students and just trying to get by for now. I could care LESS what he drives - I actually think his car is hilarious and shows me how unconcerned he is with material things in life. He can afford a new car if he really wanted one, but it's just not that important right now.


Any chick that is going to 'get with' you just because you have a nice car is extremely shallow. And, unless you're looking for a girl to simply use you for what you possess as opposed to who you are, don't worry about what kind of car you drive. The *right* girl won't care if you drive a damn lawnmower. I should also mention that just because you have a nice car, doesn't guarantee you regular sex.

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As long as he HAS a car, lmao. XD If a guy has a really nice car.. yeah, it gets your attention, but sort of takes your attention away from the actual GUY.. (coz you start thinking about how good it would be to get him to take you and your friends on a roadtrip to the beach.. in his nice car ) Also, yeah, guys who have nice cars always seem.. like.. I dunno, car fanatics to me, and I dont know a thing about cars, so I hate car-obsessed-people but whatever.

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Current boyfriend (of 2 years/ 3 months): 1992 Pontiac Sunbird - TURQUOISE - with rust all over the bottoms of the doors, a muffler attached with a clothesline and some electrical tape, a door that doesn't open, no air conditioning, scratch marks from my boyfriend and his friends skateboarding on the hood and an indestructible bumper sticker from the previous owner that says "Yves Boily Auto". Oh yeah, and I guess I should mention that the passenger's side handle was hanging half-off the door for six months before he fixed it, and that his car has been nicknamed "the sweetbox".


That sounds SO much like my boyfriends Sprint he had! He loved the car so much too that when he got the truck, he "retired it" to his parents farm, and his dad now drives it from their house in town to the farm EVERYday, he loves it as it has so much he can fix on it


This is the car that literally DIED one Winnipeg winter evening at -30 C, on our way back with groceries, crossing the busiest main street in the city (actually the #1 highway that runs through) on an incline so it was horrendous to push accross 6 lanes of traffic....yikes! Of course, I always DID get a kick out of his homemade cruise control, since the "rabbit" and "turtle" from the lawnmower gadget were right on it!


But I should also add, my bf actually owns a PARTS car for a 1991 SPRINT! Which he leaves at his friend's grandparents place. And honestly, I think the parts car is in better shape

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^ And it's funny to you, right? There is nothing 'nice' about an old pooh-box of a car, but it makes no difference to me.


Money and possessions, should any guy choose to rely on them to "sell himself" to a woman, will never guarantee real affection.


Sometimes my boyfriend will 'peel' away in his car just to make me laugh ... I swear a couple of times I was worried that the whole bottom of his car was going to fall through. It's one of the funniest things in the world to me ... check this pic out .. notice that THE DOOR is OFF the hinges in his hand:


image removed

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HEHE, oh yeah it is hilarious....I'll tell you, I prefer a guy who can laugh at himself and his own car over someone who must have a "pimped out car" to impress others, even when they can barely afford it..lol.


Hmm, door off hinges in hand BAD...but for a week when I first met him my seatbelt would not click in, so we had this intricate system of how to force it together..I say that seatbelt is what truly bonded us! See, ugly cars DO win girls!

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well, i kinda see how it is in places like that. But, i like to work on my car, make it faster, make it look different, i mean... im going to base my carreer around it and am currently going to school in auto mechanics. I dont like to flaunt my vehicle because i know how that goes, i like being subtle about it, but i love my car and cars so much its a sub culture that im sure alot of people dont understand, but its there. I drive a 1990 nissan its not like... that great, but when you start taking things apart and changing how it looks, you can be preatty amazed by the outcome I just wanted to apply girls to this, lol.

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